Bryce and Kathryn (dentist)

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"Katie please, you know the students have to find their own patients" Bryce begs me.

Bryce has been trying to get me to come in for his open patient days and be his patient. We've been dating for 4 years, and I've managed to avoid this until now. Every time Bryce brings it up, I always make up some excuse. I'm either busy, tired, or working.

"Bryce I'm sorry I can't. You know I love you but I have work" I lie. There is nothing I hate more than the dentist. I've been scared since I was a little girl, it's just overwhelming.

"You can come in on the weekends. You know that. Katie, I don't understand. Is there something your not telling me? Are you in pain? You always brush this off, you know you can tell me anything" He says calmly.

"No I'm not in pain I just, I don't know" Tears being to fill my eyes, knowing I can't get out of it this time. "Sorry" I cry. Bryce picks me up bridal style and brings me to the couch. I cry into his chest and he rubs my back.

" reason to cry baby. You're ok, tell me what's up"

I stayed silent for a minute while my sobs turned to sniffles until I tried to speak. "I-I just can't. I'm sorry"

"Don't apologize, tell me what your thinking" He says, trying to get more out of me. 

"The dentist freaks me out Bryce. I can't do it I really can't" I say quickly. Bryce nods.

"You could have told me that baby. I would have helped you. Is there anything specific that you are scared of?" He says in a calm voice.

"Your not mad?" I say shyly.

"Of course not, why would I be mad?"

"Because your a dentist and" I pause for a moment to think, "I don't know I just thought you would be"

"Just because I'm a dentist doesn't mean that you can't be afraid. Plenty of people are scared of dentists baby" Bryce says.

"Oh" I reply.

"Why don't you come in tomorrow for an open patient day, and we can take all the time you need to. I promise I will be super gentle and go at your pace, you just have to trust me" He says convincingly.

"Bryce..I don't know" I say hesitantly.

"Katie I promise I would never hurt you. It's just a check up, super easy and quick. You trust me, yeah?" I nod. "Then let me help you"

I think it over for a minute, realizing I really don't have a choice. I know how badly he wants me to come, so I made a choice I will probably regret tomorrow.

"I'll do it" I say quietly. Bryce gives me a huge smile and a hug.

"Thank you for trusting me with this baby, I promise you I'm not a monster" That makes me laugh.

A moment later, Bryce scoops me up, and carry's me up to our room. I giggle as he drops me into the bed. We both change into our pajamas and slide into bed. I rested my head on his chest, and slowly started to fall asleep.

"Goodnight baby" Bryce says while softly twirling my long brown hair.


I woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee and nobody next to me. I slowly tumbled out of bed and brushed my teeth. My stomach drops when I remember the agreement I made with Bryce.

I throw on an oversized sweatshirt and leggings. I put on light makeup before heading downstairs. I was immediately greeted with Bryce in his scrubs and his perfect white smile.

"Morning love" He says, placing a soft kiss on the top of my head.

"Morninggg" I say, pouring myself a cup of coffee.

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