Ashley (dentist)

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"Ashley, dinner!" My mom called from downstairs. I walked down the stairs and sat at the table with my parents.

"How was school?" My dad asks.

"It was fine" I say. I wince was I chew the grilled cheese sandwich my mom made. My tooth has been bothering me for a while now, but I have been trying to hide it. I thought it would just stop hurting but it's only gotten worse.

"Toothache?" My mom says. I immediately look up and her face is calm.

"No, I'm fine" I say quickly. Somehow mothers always just know.

"You're clearly in pain, I'm calling Theo." My mom says, reaching for her phone.

"Mom please, I'm not in pain it's nothing I swear your just wasting your time" I beg. Theo is my brother, who happens to also be a dentist.

She dials his number and I run up to my room. I sit on my bed and sob to myself. This can't be happening right now. To take my mind off the situation, I took a shower and washed my hair. I put on my pajamas and layer in bed listening to music for hours before falling asleep.

The next morning, I woke up and trudged to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth like usual, except for the pain that still hasn't gone away. After I was done, I went back to my bed because it's Saturday.

Once I got comfy in my bed, I heard my mom peek her head through the door.

"We are leaving in ten to go see Theo" She said, and left. I left out a sigh and made my bed. I throw on a sweatshirt and leggings and call it a day. I put on light makeup and trudge down the stairs.

Once we get in the car, the ride is silent, besides me clicking and tapping my nails. It's a bad habit.  My stomach ties into knots when we pull into his office. I've never been here before, I just knew he went to dental school.

We walk in and check in with the receptionist. We then sit down in the waiting room for about five minutes before Theo comes out holding a clipboard.

"Hey, Punkin" he says to me. I get up and follow him down a hallway while my mom stays back. We walk into a room and he sits down on his stool.

"Sit for me" he says softly, patting the chair. I slowly walked over and sat down, still quiet. "So mom told me you had a toothache?" He says and I nod, looking down.

"You ok Ash?" He says, and can feel tears form in my eyes as I shake my head.

"It hurts" I sob. Theo takes me in his arms and hugs me.

"I know, I know. You know I would never hurt you" he says softly while I cry into his chest. I nod into his chest trying to pull it together. "Can I just take a peek?" I reluctantly nod.

He places me back in the chair and I can feel it going back. I can feel Theo gentler guide me to lay down. He rolls over my head with a mask and gloves on and I look up at him in fear.

"It's just me Ash. I would never ever hurt you, I'm your brother, yeah?" I nod. "Can you open big for me?" I do. The last time me and Theo lived together was when I was ten, I'm sixteen now, although he still talks to me like I'm ten sometimes.

He pokes around with his tools for a minute before taking them out. I immediately try and sit up but Theo guides me back down. "Not yet sweetheart, but I think I know the problem, I just want to take x-rays to confirm, sound ok?" I slowly nod.

He takes the picture and loads them up on his computer. He types and nods.

"Yeah, you have a small cavity. Super simple fix, I can do it today" He says brightly. I shake my head and I can feel those stupid tears forming as I cover my face.

"Hey, hey, no need to cry. Breathe. Why the tears,  you are doing so well" he says softly, pulling me into his chest to cry.

"I cant do this, Theo. Just take me back home I wanna go home" I cry.

"Yes you can. You have been so brave already, I know this isn't easy for you. But we do need to get this done today, because I can't have my little sister in pain, and it could get worse" I just nod into his chest. He lifts me up and places me on the leather chair and I look up in panic. He gives me a reassuring smile and grabs something from his tray.

"Can you close your eyes for me punkin?" I do, and brace myself for what's coming. "Ok, open up for me and relax" I do, and try to relax as best I can, it's easier said than done. I feel a sting in my gum and whimper, squirming away from my brother.

"Almost over, your doing a great job Ash" he says encouragingly. I feel warm tears slide down my face as he removes the needle and puts in down on the tray. "That hardest part is over now" he says, wiping my tears from my face with his thumb.

"Can you open for me?" Theo says, and when I look up at him I see him hold the drill. I immediately try to squirm away from him but he has a hold on my shoulder.

"Don't run away from it, it's not going to hurt you" he starts, "It will be loud, but you won't feel anything but pressure" he says, and I open for him, just wanting to get this over with.

I will admit, the sounds were terrible. It felt weird but it didn't hurt. It felt like years when the noise finally stopped. I sat up for a second to breathe while Theo gets the stuff to fill it in. I feel him guide me to lay down.

Filling in the tooth didn't take long and it wasn't noisy, thankfully. He dried it with a blue light for a minute as well. Once he's done and place's everything on the try I feel the chair go up.

"All done, punkin. You did really well" Theo says, facing me. "Wasn't as bad as you thought?"

"No, but I still didn't enjoy it at all, and wouldn't do it again" I say, making him chuckle.

"Fair point" he says, and he gets up and brings me back to our mom.


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