Burning Down

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The victory over Dean had filled Ava and Ruby with renewed confidence and pride, but it had also ignited a spark of recklessness within Ava. She found herself pushing the limits of her abilities, eager to prove to herself and the world that she was truly unstoppable. And as the Skyward Challenge reached its climax, the stakes grew higher, and the stunts became more daring and dangerous.

While Ava's newfound audacity impressed her fellow competitors, it also raised concerns among those who cared for her. Ruby, in particular, worried about Ava's safety, her heart heavy with the knowledge that the woman she loved was putting herself at risk with every daredevil maneuver.

"Please, Ava," Ruby implored one evening, as they sat together in the fading twilight, "promise me you'll be careful. I can't bear the thought of losing you."

Ava smiled at Ruby, her eyes filled with love and determination. "I promise, Ruby," she said, her voice steady and resolute. "I'll do everything in my power to stay safe. I won't let anything come between us."

But despite her assurances, Ava couldn't shake the feeling that she needed to prove herself, not only to others but also to herself. And as the day dawned, she decided to attempt a dangerous stunt that she had been practicing in secret – a maneuver that would test the very limits of her abilities and her plane's performance.

The skies were clear and bright as Ava climbed into her plane, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and fear. She knew that the stunt she was about to perform was risky, but she believed that she had what it took to pull it off. With a deep breath, she started her engine and took to the skies, her eyes fixed on the horizon.

As she soared through the air, Ava's mind raced with thoughts of her father, who had died in a plane crash while attempting a similar stunt. The memory of his tragic end haunted her, but it also fueled her determination to succeed where he had failed.

As Ava prepared to execute the maneuver, she pushed her plane to its limits, the engine roaring as she climbed higher and higher. The ground fell away beneath her, the world shrinking to a tiny patchwork of fields and forests far below.

With her heart in her throat, Ava began the stunt, her plane diving and twisting through the air with breathtaking speed and precision. For a moment, it seemed as though she might succeed, her graceful movements leaving the spectators below awestruck and breathless.

But then, disaster struck. As Ava pushed her plane through the final turn, she felt the engine stutter and fail, the sudden loss of power sending her hurtling towards the ground.

In the seconds that followed, Ava's world narrowed to a single point of terrifying clarity. She fought desperately to regain control of her plane, her hands shaking as she tried to restart the engine and pull out of the dive. But despite her best efforts, the ground rushed up to meet her, the impact shattering her plane into pieces and leaving her battered and broken.

On the ground, Ruby watched in horror as Ava's plane plummeted from the sky, her heart seizing with fear for the woman she loved. As the dust settled and the wreckage came into view, she sprinted towards the crash site, her thoughts consumed by a single, desperate hope – that Ava was still alive.

When Ruby reached the mangled remains of the plane, she found Ava trapped within, her body bruised and bloodied. Her heart ached at the sight, but she forced herself to focus on the task at hand, her love for Ava giving her the strength to remain calm and composed.

Working quickly, Ruby managed to free Ava from the wreckage, her hands trembling as she carefully lifted her out of the twisted metal. As she cradled Ava's battered form, Ruby's relief was palpable when she realized that, despite her injuries, Ava was still breathing.

"Stay with me, Ava," Ruby whispered, tears streaming down her face as she brushed the hair from Ava's forehead. "I need you. We'll get through this together, I promise."

With Ava's life hanging in the balance, Ruby wasted no time in calling for help. Within minutes, an ambulance arrived, its sirens wailing as it sped towards the crash site. The paramedics rushed to Ava's side, working quickly to assess her injuries and stabilize her condition.

As they loaded Ava into the ambulance, Ruby stayed by her side, her hand gripping Ava's as the vehicle raced towards the hospital. She knew that the road to recovery would be long and difficult, but she was determined to be there for Ava every step of the way.

When they arrived at the hospital, Ava was whisked away into surgery, the doctors working tirelessly to repair the damage caused by the crash. Ruby paced the waiting room, her heart heavy with worry and guilt. She couldn't help but feel responsible for Ava's accident, the knowledge that her love had pushed Ava to take such a dangerous risk weighing heavily on her conscience.

Hours passed, each minute feeling like an eternity as Ruby waited for news of Ava's condition. When the surgeon finally emerged, Ruby's heart leapt into her throat, her breath catching as she awaited the doctor's verdict.

"Ava is stable," the surgeon said, his voice weary but steady. "We've done everything we can to repair her injuries, but she has a long road to recovery ahead of her."

Relief washed over Ruby, and she felt her knees buckle with the weight of her emotions. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Thank you for saving her."

In the days that followed, Ruby never left Ava's side, her love and devotion shining like a beacon in the darkness. She spent hours at the hospital, reading to Ava, talking to her, and simply holding her hand, offering whatever comfort and support she could.

As Ava slowly regained consciousness, she found Ruby by her side, her eyes filled with love and concern. And though the pain of her injuries was nearly unbearable, Ava felt a warmth spread through her chest as she realized that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, she and Ruby would face them together.

"I'm so sorry, Ruby," Ava whispered, her voice weak but full of remorse. "I should have listened to you. I should have been more careful."

Ruby gently squeezed Ava's hand, her eyes shining with tears. "We'll get through this, Ava," she promised. "Together, we'll find a way to heal and move forward. I love you, and I'll be here for you, every step of the way."

As the weeks turned to months, Ruby remained true to her word, her love for Ava unwavering in the face of adversity. She was a constant presence by Ava's side, offering support and encouragement during even the darkest moments. Ruby's devotion served as a beacon of hope, a testament to the strength of the love they shared.

Together, they weathered the storm, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. They tackled every challenge and setback head-on, their determination and resilience a powerful force in the face of the long and arduous journey to recovery. The connection between them, forged in the crucible of hardship, was a source of comfort and inspiration for both Ava and Ruby.

Throughout her rehabilitation, Ava faced countless physical and emotional obstacles. The pain was often intense, and there were times when she questioned whether she would ever be able to fly again. Yet, through it all, Ruby's unwavering support and faith in her never wavered. She was there to wipe away tears, offer a comforting embrace, and celebrate even the smallest victories.

As Ava slowly regained her strength and mobility, she became more and more determined to prove that she could overcome her injuries and take to the skies once more. Her love for Ruby fueled her resolve, her desire to share the thrill of flight with the woman who had saved her providing the motivation she needed to push past her limits.

With Ruby's help, Ava began to relearn the art of flying, her passion for the skies undimmed by the challenges she faced. She approached each lesson with a newfound appreciation for the gift of flight, her gratitude for the second chance she had been given evident in every movement and gesture.

Throughout this journey, Ava came to realize that she would never again take the gift of flight – or the love of the woman who had saved her – for granted. She understood now just how precious and fragile life could be and how easily it could be taken away. This newfound understanding deepened her love for Ruby and strengthened her resolve to cherish every moment they had together, both in the air and on the ground.

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