One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
I looked lifelessly up at the hole in the roof. My only way out was through that hole. "I have to get out of here. Once the dawn breaks, Legion will hunt me down like an animal... Or worse they'll send someone after me." I thought, looking up at the moon. I sighed loudly, "What'd I give to be back in Greece." I shakily retuned to my feet. Legion and I didn't have the best... Relationship. I had sent in a application to join Legion when I first came to Vergessen Stadt. It didn't end up good when my powers kicked in, and I killed every other Legion member in the whole room. After that, I became a target for Legion. No surprise though. Legion had probably set up a trap for me. I cursed myself for being so stupid. "They were luring me into a trap! How could I be so blind!" I hissed, slamming my fist into the wall. My hand throbbed with pain. "ahhhh..." I moaned, shaking my hand at a violent pace to try to get rid of the pain.
"Σκοτάδι, πώς είναι ξύπνιος?(1)"
I softly called out into the shadows. Trying not to draw any attention towards myself. I wouldn't have been as terrified about my current location. If it wasn't the fact the vampires were in a feeding frenzy this month. I swore this had been the worse "feeding month" I had ever had to endure. Feeding Month, or Mois De Ceux Qui Dorment(2), came in the June. It always painfully enough,. came in heat of summer. This made almost everyone a easy target. Including myself.
My eyes widened as I heard a loud noise coming from the middle of the room.
"Master, hvorfor vi må være her? Det er ingen her.(3)"
A small gasp escaped through my lips as I heard the voice. It sounded like a voice of a teenage boy. He sounded no older than I.
"Vi er her fordi Feeding måned har begynt og jo før vi starter, jo bedre.(4)"
I heard another voice. This one sounded far older. It had the tone of a matured and loving parent, but the flow of a drill Sargent training one of his underlings. The younger one growled in annoyance. I tried to make out the figures. But the darkness of the night restricted me from doing so. "Master, I think there's someone here. I can smell fresh blood." I gulpped and backed up more againest the wall.
*Shift to 3rd Person*
Erik moved farther onto the back of the wall. "This isn't good." He thought as sweat started to run down his temple. "Master, I think I see something!" Alfred loudly whispered. Alfred Hyro was a 21 year old from America. He had fixed, sandy, blonde hair, that had a cow lick in the front, and bright blue eyes that shined like diamonds. He wore a dark brown, leather jacket and pure white, short sleeved, V-neck, Teeshirt. A pair of blue, denim, skinny jeans. Two, red, converse high tops and a pair of glasses. He was born and raised in New York along side his slightly younger brother, Matthew.
"Really, Alfred?" Arthur whispered back more quietly as he squinted his beautiful, green eyes. Arthur Bennet was 23 and from Liverpool, England. He had light blonde hair (very similar to Alfred's hair color) and beautiful, dark green eyes that looked almost like emeralds. Though one of his features that stood out the most were his eyebrows. Unlike his hair, which was a light blonde, his eyebrows were a dark shade of brown and were very thick. So much so, that he had earned the nickname "Eyebrows". He wore a cloak. Underneath wore a green, ww1-like, British military uniform and tan, steel-toed boots. Though Alfred and Arthur weren't really like "Master and Apprentice", they were close. Almost like brothers.
"What are you talking about? I don't see anyone." The Brit asked, continuing to squint his eyes. Alfred sighed and lit a flare he had disconnected from his belt. At that moment, the room lit up like a Japanese lantern. In a mix of panic and terror, Erik started to make a dash for escape.
"Alfred, get down!"
Alfred gasped and drives to the ground as Arthur ripped off the cloak. Revealing, two, large, eagle-like, white feathered wings. In a split second, Arthur was flying towards Erik at full speed.
*Switch Back To Erik's POV*
I yelped as I felt two hands slip under my armpits. My feet were but a few inches off the ground and the number was growing rapidly. Then, with one quick thrust from my captor hands. I was flown through the thin, celling into the air above. I gasped in fear as I looked down at the ground. It was fading. I was flying.
"Away from your family, vampire?"
The British man taunted me as we flew.
"Δεν είμαι ένα βαμπίρ! Δεν είμαι καν κοντά! παρακαλώ, επιτρέψτε μου να εξηγήσω!(5)"
I screamed in my native tongue. I'm not sure if he understood me, but after that, he slowed down.
"Are you a vampire?"
"N-No! I'm not!" I cried, trying to get my point across.
"Hmm..." He mumbled, and started to fly downwards. Back to the place where I had fallen.
"Alfred. I don't think this is a vampire." The Brit told his Allie as he landed and let go of me.
"I'm not the one who jumped the gun." The other pouted. I knew this was my change to make a run for it.
"You bloody git! I'm not the one who decided to blow out whole groups cover just to hunt a few bloody vampires!" The Brit yelled.
The two argued back and forth for about two minutes. Around the four minute mark I decided to try and make a run for it.
I toke a deep breath and shot off in the opposite direction.
I ended up making it back down to the lower-city. But my lungs were on fire. I had ran for 15 miles without stopping.
I moped my way to the bed. My body felt like jello. My lungs felt like a forest fire was burning every inch of them. I fell on my bed with a loud
At that moment, the whole city could be on fire and I wouldn't care. I needed rest...
A/N: Well, I toke a long time with this one! Time for translations!!
1-- "Darkness, are you awake?"- Σκοτάδι, πώς είναι ξύπνιος?
2-- "Month Of Sleeping Ones"--Mois de ceux qui dorment
3-- "Master, why do we have to be here? There's no one."-- Master, hvorfor vi må være her? Det er ingen her.
4-- "We're here because the Feeding month is about to begin and the sooner we start. The better."-- Vi er her fordi Feeding måned har begynt og jo før vi starter, jo bedre.
5--"I'm not a vampire! I'm not even close! please, let me explain!"-- Δεν είμαι ένα βαμπίρ! Δεν είμαι καν κοντά! παρακαλώ, επιτρέψτε μου να εξηγήσω!
The Villain Complex
Science FictionWe all know the story: Boy finds out he has superpowers. Boy hides powers until the time is right. Villain comes around and threatens the world. Boy becomes Hero. Hero defeats the Villain. Everyone is happy. But every story has another point of vie...