Part 2

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As Zane and Nico made their way through the airport, they couldn't help but feel nervous. They had everything they needed to transform Nico into a convincing female, but the fear of being caught still lingered in the back of their minds.

Once they made it out of the airport, they quickly headed to a public restroom to make the transformation. Zane watched tutorials on his phone as he expertly applied makeup to Nico's face, accentuating his cheekbones and adding a pop of color to his lips.

Meanwhile, Nico changed into padding which would give him curves like a woman, and then put on a dress to complete the outfit. He removed a brown wig from his backpack and carefully placed it on his head. The transformation was impressive, even Zane couldn't believe how convincing Nico looked.

As they made their way to the check-in line, Zane pulled Nico aside. "Listen, I'll do the talking. Your voice is a giveaway," he said, trying to keep his nerves in check.

"Okay," Nico replied, trying to sound as feminine as possible.

When they finally made it to the front of the line, the receptionist greeted them with a warm smile. "Hi ma'am," she said, looking at Nico.

Nico simply smiled back, too afraid to speak and blow their cover.

They made it into their room and let out a sigh of relief. "I'm shocked that worked," Zane said, still in disbelief.

Nico laughed nervously. "Yeah, me too. But we can't let our guard down," he reminded Zane.

"Right. And one more thing, whenever room service is here, you gotta wear that wig again," Zane said.

Nico nodded in agreement. "No problem," he said, still amazed at how well their plan was working.

As the sun began to set, Zane and Nico were getting ready to head to dinner. Suddenly, they heard a knock on their suite door. Nico quickly grabbed a robe and put on the wig and fake eyelashes to look presentable. Zane opened the door to find the room service attendant standing there with a trolley of soup.

"We didn't order room service," Zane said.

"Don't worry, sir. This is complementary soup," the attendant replied, pushing the trolley into the room.

As he poured the soup into their bowls, the attendant glanced over at Nico and addressed him, "Good evening, Mrs. Natalia."

As the man was about to pour the soup, he couldn't help but notice Nico's bulge. He froze for a moment, trying to hide his surprise, then quickly composed himself and continued pouring the soup. "Is there anything else you need, Mrs. Natalia?" the man asked, his voice quivering slightly. Nico, just shook his head and smiled.

"Thank you, Mr. John," Zane said as he took the soup bowls from the room service trolley. The man nodded and quickly left the room. Once the door was closed, Nico took off the wig and the fake eyelashes.

"That was close," he whispered to Zane.

"I know, but we have to be careful," Zane replied as he took a spoonful of soup.

As they ate their soup, they didn't notice the man's hand dipping into his pocket and retrieving two small pills. With a sly smile, he dropped them into the bowls of soup before pouring them out for the unsuspecting duo.

As they got dressed for dinner, Nico yawned and said, "Hey, I don't feel like having dinner today." Zane nodded in agreement, "Yeah, me neither." Before they knew it, they both fell into a deep slumber.

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