Part 3

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Zane and Nico were fast asleep when the man entered the room. He pulled out a keycard and quietly opened the door. He made his way to Nico's bed and gently sat him up. "This should only take a few minutes," the man mumbled to himself.

"Shh, don't wake up," the man whispered, as he pulled out a cream from his bag. He applied it on Nico's arms, legs, and face, carefully rubbing it in to get rid of any hair growth. "This will help you look more feminine," he explained to himself.

Nico remained asleep as the man proceeded to the next step of his plan. He retrieved another pill from his bag and carefully placed it in Nico's mouth. The pill was designed to turn Nico into a woman from head to toe. The man then applied a different cream on Nico's chest to assist with the growth.

He noticed that Nico's hair was short and decided to address that as well. The man got a hair oil and applied it to Nico's head, which would promote rapid hair growth and turn it soft and luscious. He then waited for a few minutes before rubbing a cream to soften Nico's skin and on his neck to shrink his Adam's apple and make his voice higher.

The man completed his task and stepped back to admire his work. "You'll be the most beautiful woman on this cruise," he whispered to the sleeping Nico. It would take some time for the transformation to happen.

He quickly packed away all of Nico's belongings, replacing them with a suitcase full of women's clothing and another bag filled with shoes and makeup. Satisfied with his work, he silently slipped out of the room and locked the door behind him, leaving Nico to wake up to a completely different reality.

Nico woke up groggy and disoriented, not realizing it was already noon. He slowly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to relieve himself. As he lowered his pants and sat down on the toilet, he looked down and saw that his penis was missing. He let out a bloodcurdling scream.

Zane jolted awake from the sound of Nico's scream. He quickly got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. To his shock, he saw an unfamiliar woman sitting on the toilet. "Ma'am, this isn't your room," he said, trying to be polite.

Nico, who was still in a state of disbelief, replied with a trembling voice, "I ain't no maam, Zane. It's me, Nico."

Zane's eyes widened as he struggled to comprehend what was happening. "What the hell, Nico? How are you a girl now?"

Nico, holding his newly formed breasts, replied, "I don't know, man. But look at me, my voice, my chest, they're both feminine now."

Zane was still struggling to process the situation. "Stop messing with me, Nico. How do I know it's really you?"

Nico desperately tried to convince Zane. "Your mom's name is Martha, Zane. It's me, Nico. I'm not lying."

Zane was shocked and confused but realized that it was really Nico. "Oh my god, Nico, it is you! What the fuck happened?"

Nico shook his head in confusion. "I don't know, Zane. I went to bed as a man and woke up as a woman. This is insane."

Nico and Zane sat on the bed, staring at each other in disbelief. "What the fuck dude, we can't even file a complaint because I came in as a woman," Nico exclaimed. "Okay, let's just figure this out. Maybe we're in a dream," Zane suggested. Nico slapped him. "Well, do you still think this is a dream?"

Zane rubbed his cheek. "Okay, maybe not. But we need to stay calm and figure out how to get out of this situation," he said.

Nico nodded. "You're right. Let's go get something to eat and try to come up with a plan."

As they got up to leave, Nico noticed the unfamiliar bags in the room. "What the fuck? This was planned or magic because they replaced my bags too," she said, examining the contents.

"These clothes look like they belong to a slut," she continued, holding up a skimpy purple bralette and matching skirt. "They're all so small, and how do I even put this bra on?"

Zane couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, at least the flip flops are fluffy," he said, trying to lighten the mood.

Nico rolled her eyes and changed into the outfit, struggling with the bra. "Ugh, couldn't the clothes be any better? As if I'm not already suffering," she grumbled.

Zane couldn't help but stare at his friend, now turned into a beautiful woman. "I have to admit, you make a pretty hot girl," he said, causing Nico to blush.

"Shut up, Zane. We need to focus on getting out of here," she said, trying to hide her embarrassment.

Nico spent the entire lunchtime scrolling through their phone, trying to find any information on how to reverse the transformation. Zane, on the other hand, tried to convince Nico to not let this ruin their trip. "Hey, even though this has happened, we could still enjoy the cruise, right? Let's go to the hot tub," Zane said.

Nico sighed, "I don't want to. I just want to fix this and turn back to normal."

"I understand, but we can't let this ruin our whole trip," Zane said with a hopeful look on his face.

Nico thought about it for a moment, "Okay, fine, but once this trip is over, you gotta help me find a way to turn back into a man."

Zane's eyes lit up, "Of course, bro! I got you. Thanks for not letting this ruin our trip. Love ya."

As they soaked in the hot tub, Nico couldn't help but feel uncomfortable in his new body. "I can't believe this is happening to me," he muttered to Zane. "I know man, it's crazy," Zane replied. "Don't worry we'll get this sorted out?"

Nico let out a sigh. "Thanks I guess, but I can't help feeling self-conscious in these clothes," he said, tugging at the straps of his bikini. "I mean, look at me, I feel like a total slut."

Zane chuckled. "Well, you do look pretty hot, I must say," he teased.

Nico rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help feeling a little flattered. He had to admit, he looked pretty good in the bikini, even if it wasn't his usual style.

After a while, they decided to head to the spa to unwind even more. As they entered the serene room, the soothing aroma of essential oils filled their nostrils. A spa attendant greeted them with a warm smile and led them to a private room for their massages.

Nico felt a little uneasy as the attendant addressed him as "ma'am", but he tried to ignore it and focus on the relaxation. The massage oil felt warm and comforting on his skin, and he couldn't help but let out a satisfied groan.

"These massages feel so good," he said to Zane, who was lying on the massage table beside him.

Zane let out a contented sigh. "I know, right? This is exactly what we needed."

Nico nodded in agreement, closing his eyes and letting the tension melt away from his body. For a moment, he forgot about his current situation and just enjoyed the moment. But as soon as the massage was over and they left the spa, the reality of his new body came crashing back.

Nico and Zane decided to take a break from the chaos and spend some time at the spa. Nico wasn't used to being called ma'am and everyone checking him out, so he kept adjusting his shorts to hide his skin, but the clothes were too skimpy. "Ah, these massages feel so good, though," Nico said, trying to ignore the discomfort.

After the spa, they headed back to their suite to freshen up before going to the nightclub on deck. "Hey, Nico, wait up," Zane said as they walked down the hallway. "Shh, keep it down. Don't call me Nico in public. Just say Natalia," Nico replied, wrapping the robe around him.

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