Chapter 2

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———————Three Months Later ––––––––––––

Elana's P.O.V

"No, no ,no! Please don't!" I screamed until my vocal chords couldn't handle the stress"Why to keep doing this to me!"
She raised the alcohol bottle she was drinking from, about to make her move. Before the glass collided with my head I kept thinking,"How could my own mother do this to me, my own mother!"

At this moment her clothes were dirty, torn and tattered. I knew my word would have no effect on her, after all, this was going on for months.

"Crack" The splinters embedded themselves into my forhead. Blood flowed down my temples and onto my face. In times like these my experience comes in handy. I was able to drag myself up to my room, carefully pick out the pieces of glass and bandage my head

The damage done today was worse. Usually, she would lash out with a leather belt or throw me me on the concrete ground but over the days its gotten worse. I knew I had to leave this hell hole but no matter what she did she was my mother. So leaving her alone, unemployed, was not an option for me.

I looked at my watch. Crap! It's 8 o'clock. I wonder how my boss, Janaē, will react to my bruised head. She is the only person who knows about my living condition (if you can call it that)

Everyday I would work at a small bookstore in Manhattan. Eventhough Janaē was always supportive, I always hid my bruises with skin concealer. "Well there's no hiding this," I thought.
I attired myself in a navy blue skirt, a pearl blouse and a denim ballet flats. I would have looked good except a bandage wrapped around my forehead.

I exited the house informing my mother, but being honest, she didn't care as she was engrossed in Keeping Up With The Kardashians and screaming at the T.V.

I put on my coat, as  and made my way to my job site.

———————Time Lapse———————

"Hey Elana, how are yo- WHAT THE  HELL HAPPENED?" She screamed.
"The usual just this time it was worst," I sadly exclaimed.

She gave me a look of sympathy and then handed me my daily books to stack.

"Well I'm glad she still treats me the same,"I thought.

I started working while listening to Human by Cristina Perri.

'Wow this song really gets my hellish life.'

Stacking books I heard a loud, ear splitting scream.

"Janaē! Janae!"I shouted. Oh God I hope she's alright.

I rushed in the back with my heart going at erratic pace, only the find her jumping up and down in excitement with a piece of paper in her hand. Great, now she increased my headache for no reason.

"What is going on why are you looking worried?" Janaē asked cluelessly.

I stared at her in shock. What does she mean? Ignoring her question I asked, "What's in your hand."
A mischievous glint in her eyes appeared.

"Oh no, this can't be good." I thought out loud.

Eric's P.O.V

Who was she? That questioned invaded my mind for the past few months.
That day,I was coming back from a girls house. Honestly, I can't even remember her name.

All I know is that my friend, Ashton, had a sick party that night and I had way too many drinks and I woke up in a girl's bed.
If you're smart, you can fill in the blanks.

I'm known for this kind of behaviour at school.

Currently, I entered my small apartment which I live in with my 7 year old sister, Aaliyah.

The thought of the girl entered my mind again. Her dark drown hair with chestnut highlights. She would have been the perfect masterpiece if not for dry tears staining her face.

I wonder what that was about?

Anyways before you get that thought in your head no it's not love at first sight. To my friends I'm known to be a player. I once had a fling with a girl for two whole days, which trust me, by my standards, is a record. You get the point.

Well, fingers crossed, maybe I'll get to see her again.

I rubbed my eyes in drowsiness. Time to go to bed. I changed and fell asleep, before my head the pillows, with the image of the girl in my head.

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