Not "Sonic" 🔪

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This chapter will contain:
•The reader is a male
•Yandere-ish behavior.
•Spoilers(?) for the video "Secret Histories about Sonic and Tails" by Mashed.
•Swearing ofc :)
You have been warned..


Y/N: Your name
F/C: Favorite color
F/F: Favorite food or Fruit(if you want.)

The request was given by Dracunyan1987

3rd person POV:

The scenery was a chill, cooling atmosphere, with trees.. zooming in, we see a (F/C) hedgehog wondering around the forest towards a nice ice blue river. The hedgehog crouched down next to the water when he had heard yelling in the distance... curios, the little hedgehog wondered over to see that the yelling was about. The hedgehog came upon a shed like place that looked like Tails' place, when the hedgehog heard the yelling of familiar voices..
"..just give yourself up, you need help!-"
"You have never once. Ever could be, OR EVER WILL BE MY FRIEND. EVER! You sick. TWISTED. FUCK!" A Blue Hedgehog, Sonic yelled towards a Yellowish Orange Fox, next to the hedgehog was a pink hedgehog.

Y/N's POV:

'Huh..?' I wondered, what was all this about? Then the fox, who I assume would be Tails starts speaking. "Thats it.. I get it now.. If Tails' is Sonic's best friend.. and I'm not your best friend." "Oh no.." "then.. YOU.. AREN'T... SONIC!!" The fox "Tails" said grabbing a large pink and Yellow hammer and throwing it towards the two. I ran to them and quickly grabbed it and pushed the two back and then.. the hammer exploded due to the impact..

Tails' POV(sorry for so many POV switches Xd):

Hehehe... huh..? Where did that bastard go? And why did I see a (F/C) blur go in-front of the copycat..?

Y/N's POV:

'Ow..' I thought, while trying to get up. "Uh, Amy? He's awake."The somewhat familiar voice said. "Ah, are you alright young one?" A voice said. "H-huh..? Where am I..?" I said as my vision finally cleared. It was Sonic and Amy Rose.

"You're- no.. We are at a small den away from him. After what happened between Sonic and his "sidekick" and when you came in to help. He just wanted to know who you were.. so he almost got a hold of you. Thats when Sonic took you away from him, thats when we ran here.." She explained.  "Yeah. And I could've left ya." Sonic replied, taking a cigarette, lighting it and placing it in his mouth.

Thats when a loud crash was heard on the roof. "where are you, you little Hedgehog" a voice said.
"We need to go. Now!" Sonic said, smashing the cigarette but on the ground and grabbing Amy. "But what about-" "We cant grab him, it'll take too much time!" He said cutting Amy off. Then the two left through the window, leaving me on the bed.

"Hello deary..." I look up from where I was, to what I see, it seems like a fox like figure, like Tails, but.. taller.. "M-Miles..?-" "Why can't anyone get it right? My name is Tails.. SONIC'S BEST FRIEND.." 'Tails' said, walking towards me. And now I can see him better, he is pretty tall, hell probably a little shorter than Eggman himself, and Eggman is like, over 6ft tall! He is a tangerine orange with yellowish teeth, damn bro brush yo teeth- "Take a picture it'll last longer" He said out of nowhere. And he was noticeably closer aswell, and also outta nowhere, he picked me up.

"H-Hey!! Let go of me god damn it!!" I yelled at him, he seemed to ignore me though, despite my struggling and insults. Afterwards I just gave up. "Where ARE we going anyways? Its not like you'll kill me for being with Sonic and from what Amy explained, you were trying to find me for some reason. Why's that?" I questioned. "First of all, that THING wasn't Sonic. Second of all, we are going to the teleporter I took my time making, and lastly, you caught my interest, from how brave you were when you came to save that faker was amazing, and now you're my icon to be" he explained, while walking into a building with letters and some of them have fallen, you presume it spelt "Tails' Lab" "So, you inspire my bravery..?" I questioned, for his response, he just nodded.

"Ok..? But now what, since we are here. And you don't even know my name! I'm Y/N the hedgehog as you can tell." I introduced. "Tails. Tails the Fox." He responded as he looked away in embarrassment(?). "Well, now we properly introduced ourselves, what now? And what about that Teleporter?" I asked. "My plan was to go into another dimension to find the real sonic. Because there HAS to be one! Right?" He asked, getting a little antsy. "Y-yeah, I guess, do you have any (F/F)? I'm starving.." I answered. Tails' got up to what I think is the kitchen and got my food (If its something like pancakes or steak just pretend he made it himself lol) "Here ya go :)" he handed my food to me. And I thank him.

I guess this is the start of a new adventure..

Words: 890!


Thanks for reading! I appreciate it a lots and it took me awhile to figure out how to make this one-shot/story xd but I finally finished it!! I'm figuring out how to make the other ones so please be patient, and have a WONDERFUL and Amazing day :)

FYI I won't post any other stories this week because of finals so sorry about it!

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