Dex's Match Packet

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A/N If this story is a little boring to you, don't worry. After this chapter, it will mostly just get more interesting. I have a lot of crazy plot twists in store for you. Mwahahahahaaaaaa. Good luck sleeping tonight lol. And btw, this is the next day after all the others have done their match packets.

I tried to get into my room after school, but I found that the triplets, Lex Bex and Rex, had barricaded the door. When I got inside, I found out what exactly they barricaded the door with. 

Crates and crates of muskogs. 

I plugged my nose and carefully stepped over them, wincing as a little bit if the smell got through my plugged nose. I sat down at my desk and put down my match packet I had been holding. I looked over the questions then started writing.

Dex Dizznee's Match Packet

Parents/Guardians: Juline and Kesler Dizznee

Level of Foxfire: 4

Are you attracted to boys or girls?


Are you currently dating anyone?


Crush(es): Biana Vacker

Eye color(s) you are attracted to: Teal

Hair color(s) you are attracted to: Dark Brown

What do you see in your crush that makes you like them?

Biana is amazing, and can always find something to cheer you up. Gossip, torturing Sophie with makeovers, giving Fitz the worst dares, you name it! She is caring and if you are not Stina, she will support you no matter what you are going through.

What traits do you want in your husband/wife?

 I want them to be bold, and be able to stand up for themselves like Biana can. Also want them to not judge me if I tell them something weird. 

What ability would you want your husband/wife to have?

I would want them to be a Vanisher.

Thank you for answering these questions! They will help us a lot in finding the best elf for you. Have a good day!

I got up and crept back between the crates of muskogs, pinching my nose as I went out into the hallway. How could the triplets pull off a stunt this big? Then it hit me.


I went back to my room and got working on a device in my lab corner. Oh, the advantages of being a Technopath. Revenge sweet revenge.

Comment below what you think the device should do! I don't really have any ideas, so I would love to have your suggestions! I just like revenge, so...

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