Chapter 2

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I felt like I was burning up and not in a fun kind of way either if there is even a fun way to be burning up. When I opened my eyes I realized I was covered in sweat and not only that but five other girls body heat. Camila was practically on top of me naked, Lauren on my right side curled up in a ball with her head nuzzled in my neck, Dinah was on my left cuddled up with my arm, Ally was on my lower right side cuddled up with right leg, and Normani was on my lower left side with her head resting on my left leg. To anyone this would be a dream come true but I felt like I was going to die from a heart stroke not to mention Camila's weight pressed on my chest making it a bit difficult to breathe. The real question was why was it so fucking hot. I mean we live in a mansion for god's sake you would think that the air conditioning would be on. I'm not too pleased of having all our naked bodies touching at the moment and I wanted to stretch so badly but I didn't want to wake the girls as if they really gotten any sleep to begin with. Once the girls got home and shared their stories about the concerts on their tour their horny switch came on and I was being attack from every which way in a good way though well... at least until I started to get tired after round six. I was broken out of my thoughts when my bedroom door swung open abruptly revealing a girl he looked to be around my age with brown eyes and dark brunette hair I would like to think that she looks like my Camz except this girl has more of a baby face and I think that Camila looks way better.

"Time for you to wake up Y/N!" the girl yelled and when she turned on the light her face had shock written all over before she screamed and ran out of my room which caused the girls to stir.

"What the hell was that?" Dinah asked sleepily rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

I noticed the maid come in and immediately cover her eyes when she noticed that we were all laying naked in my bed.

"Y/N your classes are going to start soon. We don't want you to be late so you need to get up now and tag along with my daughter" the maid said.

I groaned. "Gretchen I'm sort of trapped if you haven't noticed so I may be a bit late" I said trying to move my arm from Dinah's grasp which only caused her to hold onto it tighter.

"You can't be late or you will have to drop the class" Gretchen said.

I sighed. I knew the only way to get the girl's off of me was to either bribe them with food or promise them sex later and knowing them they would take the option of sex.

"Girls do you mind getting off me? Some of us have to go to school to have a career. I will bring you back McNuggets from McDonald's or tacos from Taco Bell" I said hoping they would take the option of food over sex.

I heard the girls giggle so I knew they weren't sleeping but being a pain in my ass until they get what they really wanted.

"You know us better than that babe. We aren't going to take food over sex" Lauren said planting a kiss on my neck.

"Can you take it this time? You guys tired me out" I said.

"Well then we're doing something right" Ally chuckled.

Normani lifted her head to look at me and her eyes went wide when she scanned parts of my body that Camila wasn't covering.

"I think we went a little over board with the hickeys guys" Normani said.

That caused all the girls to sit up including Camila who finally got off of me which I thought was a good thing until I felt the soreness in my limbs when I stretched my arms and legs. I was getting off the bed and was standing up for a few seconds before I felt my legs become wobbly as they gave out and I fell on the floor.

"Shit" I said.

The girls erupted into laughter and that only caused me to groan. While I was on the floor I was able to observe my body and realized Normani was right about the hickeys. Hickey's covered majority of my chest, my stomach, and my inner thighs. I could only imagine what my neck looked like. Camila peeked her head off the bed to look at me with a goofy smile on her face while sticking out her tongue.

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