My Little Secret | ✨

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Summary: A little story of how Yelena's little secret was exposed when Natasha comes by the home unannounced.

Fluff | 1.3K | Smut implied |

Translations: dorogoy (darling), Ty takaya krasivaya (you're so beautiful), moy malen'kiy sekret (my little secret),

AC: writing this made my own heart explode!! Im thinking of a part 2??

"Hi dorogoy" Yelena spoke softly as she leant over you and kissed your lips softly, "your home, I missed you" you smiled against her lips before brushing a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear

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"Hi dorogoy" Yelena spoke softly as she leant over you and kissed your lips softly, "your home, I missed you" you smiled against her lips before brushing a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear. "I missed you so much" she kissed you once more before taking off her vest. "How was the mission?" you asked, putting your laptop to the side of the bed, and watched as she made her way into the ensuite to shower. "Better now I'm home" she called as she turned on the shower.

Yelena was never one to talk about her missions or the work she did. When she wasn't with you, she was a trained spy and assassin doing her best to path over her bad name she earned from Red Room. She was stubborn, blunt, and work focused but when she was with you, she was soft, caring, funny, loving and all yours. You didn't mind as such when you found out that Yelena hadn't told a single soul about you or your relationship, you found it cute she wanted to keep you all to herself but you saw that the life she lived with you was much different than the life she lived without you and from the look in her eyes, it was the life she wasn't going to risk for anybody.

She'd been gone for weeks without decent contact besides a few short texts to assure you she was fine and still alive to your relief. Now that she was home and soaking her body in the warmth of the shower you felt no need to worry about anything. You wandered into the kitchen of the shared home, a home Yelena had built for the two of you in the middle of nowhere surrounded by tall pine trees, and wildlife that you loved listening to each morning as you drank your morning coffee. Fanny loved the chase of squirrels and rabbits when Yelena was home to allow it.

The kitchen soon filled with the smell of your girl's favourite meal, mac n cheese. You stirred the pot as the sauce thickened, humming your favourite song as you did so. You felt Yelena's arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closely into her hold. "Mac n cheese, my favourite" she smiled, her right hand moving your hair out of her way of her lips placing soft kisses on your neck. "Only for my favourite" you smiled softly as her lips left their mark, "you've gotta eat, baby" you turned the stove off before turning in her arms to face her, your arms wrapping around the back of her neck as she looked into your eyes. "Later" she smirked as she kissed you once more.

Melting right into her lips she lifts you up so you could wrap your legs around her waist, never breaking the kiss as she led the two of you both back to the bedroom, gently laying you down on the bed. "Ty takaya krasivaya" she brushed your hair back as she took in your features, "moy malen'kiy sekret" her lips found yours once more before traveling down to your neck.


Your soft snores kept Yelena looking over you as you slept in her arms, your naked skin against hers reminding her that this was real, that she'd found somebody to love and cherish for as long as she lived. The loud knock on the door broke her thoughts, gently she slides her arm out from under you and threw on her robe and grabbed her gun. Nobody knew about this place beside you and Yelena. She held her gun tightly with both hands as she pointed it towards the front door, Fanny trained not to bark unless told so (a safety thing Yelena wanted for when she was away).

"Yelena, it's me, open the door" Natasha's voice came from the other side. Yelena sighed and put her gun down before opening the door. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?" she asked with a frown. "Please. You thought I wouldn't know about your secret hide out? Anyways, what's with the robe? Did I interrupt a relaxing bath?" she chuckled as she let herself in.

Yelena rolled her eyes and quietly closed the door so it wouldn't wake you. "You didn't answer my question, what are you doing here?" Yelena walked over to the kitchen where Natasha pours them both a shot of vodka. "Wanda and I had a bit of a disagreement and now I'm in the doghouse basically, so I thought why not come and crash here with you. It's a bit lonely out here don't you think?" Nat's eyes looked around at what she could see before she downed the shot. "I like it that way" Yelena mumbled before downing her glass, "can't you go stay with Maria or Carol? Maybe even Melina and Alexei" she suggested. Natasha chuckled, "Because Wanda sees Maria and Carol at work every day and Alexei annoys the shit out of me and also Melina and Alexei are a bit too much these days" she explained. "Well, you can't stay here, I like to be alone here" Yelena replied while Nat poured two more shots.

The emptiness of Yelena's side of the bed woke you, Fanny wasn't asleep in her bed on the floor, and you could hear Yelena's muffled voice from the kitchen.

"Lena, baby, save some Mac n cheese for me!" You called out as wrapped your own robe around your naked body.

Yelena's eyes shot open, Natasha placed the bottle on the countertop and looked into the direction of the bedroom then back at Yelena. "Oh, you reek of sex! That explains the robe" she teased. "No, it's not like that!" Yelena stood from the stool at kitchen island. "Is everything o- "you froze once you saw the guest standing in your kitchen with a smirk.

"Baby" Yelena spoke softly as she turned to you. Your eyes looked at the woman you've never seen before. "Baby, this is" Yelena paused to glare at Natasha, "this is Natasha" she spoke. You walked up to Yelena and reached to shake Natasha's hand when you felt Yelena place a hand on your hip. "Natasha, this is Y/n" she introduced you.

"It's nice to meet you, I've heard many things" you smiled softly. "You let your hook up stay here but not me?" Natasha ignored your kindness and looked to Yelena. Your hand dropped to your side, but Yelena protectively pulled you closer to her. "She's not a hook up!" Yelena snapped, "we've been together for over 2 years" she adds. Natasha looked between the two of you and felt bad for brushing you off so quickly.

"I'm just going to go back to bed" you looked slightly over your shoulder to Yelena. "No, please, stay. I'm sorry, I didn't know" Natasha spoke before Yelena could, "I can't believe you hid this from me" she added.

"Nobody knows" Yelena replied, her thumb stroking your hip gently. "I don't want to put her in any danger" she added making your heart swell. "Two years huh? Well, I guess I better get to know you then" Natasha cocked a brow, you smiled "I'd like that".

"Does this place have a guest room or am I taking the sofa?" Nat looked to Yelena once again, she rolled her eyes. "We do, I'll show you" you offered kindly. "Thank you! You're already so much more welcoming than Yelena" she chuckled before following you to the guest room.


"I'm sorry you had to meet her like that" Yelena spoke softly from behind you, her arms keeping you close to her as you both got comfortable in bed once more. "It's okay, I want to meet your family" you replied as your body slowly started to drown you into a slumber once more. "You do?" Yelena questioned before placing a soft kiss on the back of your neck. "Of course, I do" you said tiredly as she kissed more of your exposed skin, you giggled quietly, "baby, we can't have round 2, your sister is across the hall" you squirmed playfully in her arms, but she didn't care, her lips found your cheek before she turned you on to your back and looked into your eyes. She smiled softer than the clouds and whispered,

"Marry me" 

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