Request: No, We Did It! | ✨

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Request: I'm in the need of some ceo! Yelena x fem! Reader fluff or something and your writing is just so gooood. So if you're up to this, it would be great:)

Pairing: CEO! Yelena Belova x Fem! Reader

Summary: Since Yelena started her own business, she's been busy. Putting a lot of her focus on making sure things are running smoothly and you're there to make sure she's not overworking herself.

Tiny Angst? Like really small? You might miss it if you blink? | Fluff | No Warnings | 1K |

Translation: малыш (baby), милый (darling)

You knew when your girlfriend decided to start her own business that it was going to take up a lot of her time, she's stepped back from doing missions and put more of her focus on making her business. Yelena had this idea to make things that anybody could use to protect themselves, from clothing to different gadgets, she was proud of what she'd made of her business, and you were beyond proud of her.

Of course, it wasn't always easy, there were many nights where you missed her, late a night when it was cold, and you wished she was beside you to cuddle up against. Not saying Fanny did a horrible job at keeping you warm but it was safe to say you both missed her, even more than when she used to go on missions.

Today was a big day for Yelena and her business, she was hoping to strike a deal, an international deal to begin selling her products worldwide. All her time was spent at the office and every day you popped into the office with lunch for her and to give her a little extra hand before you'd go home and cook something for her for dinner.

You were in the process of making Yelena's favorite, mac n cheese. A win, win kind of meal. If she didn't get the contract, she'd have her comfort food to help but is she did get the contract, she could celebrate with her favorite meal. Fanny laid by your feet while you stood by the stove, stirring the pasta before adding the extra ingredients. Things were almost ready when your phone buzzed.

"малыш, can you come to the office? Really need you here"

Yelena's text worried you, you looked down at Fanny and sighed "Looks like Ma didn't get the contract" you spoke before packing the mac n cheese in a container. The drive to her office you couldn't stop thinking how hurt Yelena must be, she's worked so hard for this and of course there will always be other contracts, but she was really counting on this one.

You arrived at the office, nobody insight but the light from Yelena's office. No signs of a celebration taking place only made your suspicion grow. Gently you knocked on Yelena's door and opened it slowly.

"Honey?" you questioned while you opened the door. A gasp soon left your lips at the sight before you. A candle lit dinner waited your arrival, Yelena looked up from her desk, a bouquet of light pink roses sat in front of her. "There you are" she smiled softly as she stood from her desk, grabbing the roses before walking over to you. "Lena" you gasp once more in shock.

"What's all this?" you asked as she handed you the roses, taking a sniff of them with your eyes closed. "A little thank you for everything you've done over the past year and a bit, especially over the past few months with everything going on. I didn't ask you to do anything but you did it anyway and I never want you feel like I don't see that, or you" Yelena spoke, one of her hands cupping your face, "we got the contract, милый" she smiled softly.

"You did?! Baby, I'm so proud of you!!"

"No, we did it!" she reminded you before kissing you softly, "I've missed you and Fanny, mostly Fanny, I won't lie" she added jokingly before leading you to the table in the middle of her office and pulling out a seat for you. Kindly she took the container of mac n cheese from your hand along with the roses, placing them on her desk. "I didn't cook but I did order your favourite take out" she placed the hot take out in the middle of the table as you chuckled at her comment.

"I was thinking" Yelena added while she began to dish up both plates, "how about we take a vacation? Just the three of us, or two, whatever you want"

"I don't care what we do or where we go, as long as I get you all to myself, I'm happy" you smiled.


After dinner, Yelena followed you home where she wasted no time running a bath for you both before getting comfortable on the sofa with you in her arms, watching one of Netflix's new movies. Her fingers twirled with your hair on one hand while the over was intertwined with yours.

"Thank you for everything baby" Yelena whispered before placing a kiss on the top of your head, you smiled instantly before looking up at her.

"You know I'd do anything for you"

"How do you feel about travelling the world with me? I know you have your job here so it's okay if you can't. Once all the paperwork is finalised and things get moving, I want to be there for the store openings around the world, I'd love for you to be there as well"

You sat up and looked at her, a smile tugged at your lips as you nodded, "you don't even have to ask me twice" you replied before kissing her deeply. "I'm just so beyond proud of you my love, you've worked so hard on all of this, of course I want to be there for you any way I can" you added as you pulled away.

Yelena smiled back, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear, and even with all her success lately, you couldn't help but feel something else was playing on her mind. "What is it darling?" you asked, catching her eyes connect with yours.

"It's nothing, I promise" she brushed it off, "I was just taking a moment to take all of this in, and how there is nobody I would rather be with, not a single soul, not even for a second" she added. "Everything I do is for us and I know I did this business for me but without you, there's no way I would've went through with it"

"Lena, you have to thank yourself as well, you put and continue to put in the hours, the meetings, the paperwork, all of it. I'm just your little cheerleader cheering you on. You made this happen baby, take a moment to be proud of yourself" you reminded her, knowing that giving herself any form of credit.

"What would I do without you huh?" she couldn't help my smirk softly. Playfully you shrugged, "who knows" you replied.

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