The Princess of Rosewood

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Dear Diary,

is that how you start a diary entry? I dont know - I've never had one and I feel a little weird writing one right now. But there is so much happening in my life I don't want to forget so maybe this is a good way of keeping it all in mind somehow..

And in case anyone creeps on me and ever finds this after I mysteriously died or anything else (haha, not gonna happen) here's a little introduction of me:

I'm Alisha, 17 years old and senior student at Rosewood High. I have many friends but only 4 sisters; Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer. I've known them for ages and I trust them with my life... I guess. I have a real sister too, Violett, but never mind her, she's annoying and fat. I would tell you what I'm into but my interests change every now and then so just read my diary to find out. My parents are rich which I am definitely not complaining about but still, I hate being judged for the amount of money on my account. Thats why I dont have a boyfriend. I mean I'm not ugly - I'm about 5'5'', long black hair with natural curls and bright blue eyes. I go to the gym and eat healthy so I literally have nothing to complain about my body but I'm a girl, I'm programmed to have insecurities. Anyways, my mum owns a make up brand and lately she let my create my own parfume, which is super cool. I called it Alishious and legit every girl at school wears it, it's not hard to tell. But lately this little bitch Mona Vanderwaaal who goes to my school feels the need to compete with me. But I tell you something, diary: Bitch is going down - this isn't a promise, it's a vow.

xoxo, Alisha

Alisha Lichtenstein is a popular girl, yet people tend to oversee her. Not her as the one who walks down the hall in the most expensive clothes and the most beautiful hair most boys AND girls have ever seen. But the version of Alisha Lichtenstein that doubts, that she is every gonna make it as an independent woman with her own business, because her parents never showed her how to be independet. That's why Alisha is very easy going and everyone can relate to her, she's a normal girl and she's doing perfect at that.

But right now, Alisha Lichtenstein is furious. She went to the drugstore to check on her sales for the parfume Alishious she created. Her parents were away in LA for the weekend and she got bored looking after her sister so she got in her BMW and drove to town. But she didn't find the entertainment she had expected. In the window of the drugstore wasn't a gigantic poster of herself, proudly holding her parfume into the camera anymore. Instead there was Mona's poster, promoting her perfume Monashine "for very special nights".

"What the F!" Alisha ran into the shop and went looking for other promotions of her perfume but there was nothing, "Excuse me!" she interrupted one of the shop assistants who was talking to a customer and snipped her finger in front of her face, "Where is my perfume?"

"I'm sorry," the lady looked confused, "What exactly are you looking for?"

"You know what," Alisha thought for a moment, feeling the anger boiling inside of her chest, "I'm looking for the owner of this goddamn shop!"

"One moment, please," the lady quickly disappeared, obviously glad she was able to get rid of that furious teenager. Alisha angry eyed everyone who was looking at her. She couldn't wait to yell at that bad ass of shop owners face. What was he thinking? Monashine, what a shit name by the way.

The lady came back and the fearful expression on her face promised nothing good, "I'm very sorry, Miss," she took a deep breath and nervously shook her hands, "Mr. Gallagher isn't here today, you will have to come back tomorrow."

Alisha just glared at the lady for a minute. She didn't know what was going on in her head but there was this idea she had and she decided it was a good one so she tilted her head and smiled, "That's okay. I'll take care of it myself then."

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