Daddy's Girl

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A few days later the Lichtensteins finally got the permission to visit Mr Lichtenstein in prison. It was a school day and Alisha and Violett were supposed to meet up with their mother after school so they could all go together. But Alisha didn't want to go with them. She wanted to talk to her dad alone.

Rosewood prison was a small, yet overwhelming building on the Eastside of town. Alisha had never been there before, which is why she needed her phone to navigate her. She parked her car on the opposite side of the street and headed to the entrance, feeling nervous and excited at the same time.

She entered the surprisingly big hall. It was quiet and empty in there, several doors leading to different rooms and hallways probably. No guards or policemen to be seen so far, except for one - when Alisha spotted him she walked over to the small reception counter to her left. The guy who sat there had his nose stuck inside a motorcycle magazine and didn't notice Alisha at first. Classic, she thought and stepped right in front of the counter, "Excuse me, Sir?"

He looked up and suspiciously raised an eyebrow. Alisha couldn't blame him, she really did seem rather misplayed in this cold and grey hall, dressed in some shorts and a white top, wearing heals and with her hair loose in wave, hanging down her shoulders.

"I'm here to visit John Lichtenstein", Alisha stated her request, after realising he wasn't going to say anything himself.

"And you are?" he asked while exasperatedly putting away his magazine and typing something into the computer that sat on the counter.

"Alisha Lichtenstein", she put her ID on the counter, "his daughter."

The guy nodded and ineffectually eyed her ID without making the effort to give it much attention. After he let out a sigh, he rose from his seat, "Would you please follow me, Miss."

Alisha stuffed her ID back into her purse and followed him. He led her to a room on the left hand side of the hall. It was the visitors room, equipped with a bunch of tables, looking rather penurious.

"Wait here, please. Mr Lichtenstein will be brought her in a minute."

Alisha sat down at one of the tables and waited as she was told. She was the only visitor and it was awfully quiet. The only audible sound was the monotonous buzzing of a vending machine in the corner. There wasn't a single piece of decoration in the room, it was simply functional.

After what seemed like a lightyear, the door swung open and a guard came in, escorting Mr Lichtenstein, who appeared behind him. He was wearing an orange overall and the sight of his unshaved, tired face hit Alisha right in the guts. The moment he spotted his daughter his face lit up.

The guard lead him to Alisha's table and gestured him to sit down opposite to her.

"You're not allowed to share any items unlike they've been requested and approved by court", the guard explained and took a few steps back. Of course he'd stay there the whole time, watching them with eagle eyes, listening to every single word they shared.

"Hello darling", Mr Lichtenstein gave Alisha a weak but honest smile, "nice to see you."

"Hi dad", Alisha swallowed the lump that had grown in her throat and forced herself to smile, too. "You look tired."

Her dad sighed, "I'm still adjusting. I hope you're all doing okay?"

Alisha shrugged. "It's a day to day kind of life. But who am I saying this to. Mom's not dealing wee with it, to be honest."

She knew this was going to pressure her dad, but she has never been afraid to be straight out honest with him.

Mr Lichtenstein nodded, "I'm gonna tell my attorney to talk to her. Maybe it'll calm her down."

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