Part 1

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Chapter one

I found myself in the gym alongside my fellow freshmen, as directed by Gabriel. With many of the older students already sent off to fight for Earth, the gym was relatively quiet. However, rumors were circulating among us, and my best friend Odette couldn't help but ask, "Do you think it's true?"

I tried to sound confident as I responded, "It can't be; everyone knows that good always triumphs over evil." While we waited for the announcement, I nervously twisted my blonde hair around my pinky - one of many habits I had acquired since arriving at this training facility.

Seeking a better vantage point, I nudged Odette towards the front. "Come on, let's move up," I urged, aware of my diminutive stature compared to the towering figures around us. "Being the shortest angel here has its downsides," I quipped, my attempt at humor masking my unease. In a realm where height equated to status, my modest 5'5" frame often left me feeling inadequate.  It was a disadvantage in every aspect of my training, and I was ranked last in almost every category except for aerial flight, where my speed made up for my lack of size.

The dull roar comes to a halt when Gaberial walks up to the dais. Odette grabs my hand and squeezes it. I usually don't like to be touched, but I don't pull away in this case.

Gaberial is one of God's top generals. The few times I have seen him, he looks severe and stern. But right now, he just seems lost. His armor is dirty, and his usually neat appearance is in disarray.

He runs his hand through his blond hair and sighs before speaking.

"Students, I bring sad tidings. The battle for Earth and all her precious souls has been lost to Lucifer and his army of fallen." he drops his eyes to the floor and takes a deep breath. "Many angles lost their lives, and countless human souls were extinguished."

Silence is a tangible thing at this moment. Then all at once, The news struck like a thunderbolt, and the gym erupted in a cacophony of despair. My legs buckled beneath me, dragging Odette down. We both landed in a heap on the floor. The cries and wails ricocheted around the room. The thunderous noise rings in my ear, I glance at Odette, and a tear tracks down her cheek. I reach over and wipe the wetness away.

"Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I will give you strength when you are weak, courage when you are afraid." Gaberial's voice is like a whisper in the wind. Soft and comforting.

Minutes stretched into eternity as we sat on the floor, grappling with the magnitude of our loss. Eventually, I rose to my feet, my joints protesting from the prolonged stillness. Surveying the room, I noticed a common thread among the remaining students - all were orphans, bereft of familial ties or kinship.

My parents died at the beginning of the war. I was just a baby and don't remember them. The foster angels in the circle gave me a small wooden box when I turned ten. Inside it was a pendant and a letter. I haven't taken the necklace off since that day, but I have yet to read the letter. Something keeps me from opening it. Fear, perhaps, or maybe I am just waiting for the right time. God will give me a sign when it's time; I am sure of it.

I help Odette up, and she leans into my side as I lead us back to our dorm. The halls are all empty, and the melancholy thickens the air around us, suffocating any room for hope. We don't pass a single soul on our way; the only sound is the muffled cries behind closed doors.

Once back in our shared room. I help Odette to her bed, where she curls up into a ball, still in shock. I stretch out beside her and stare up at the ceiling. The ceiling tiles are a bright white in contrast to the dark blue walls. Our dorm is simple, with just two beds, each with a desk at the foot and a large shared wardrobe between our headboards. At the academy, we only wear our uniforms. And most only have a few personal clothes for downtime. Growing up in the circle, we learned to be minimalists. Waste not want not, Became our motto.

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