Chapter 14: Green with Worry

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Buckys POV:

As I just stared at you, watching the color drain from your face.

Using one hand to put pressure on the bullet hole, the metal one. It was stronger, I could put more pressure on it.

I just stared at you, lifeless in my lap.

The person that has consumed my mind nonstop.

My ears were ringing, blocking out everything around us.

It was just us.

"Bucky!" I heard Steve's distant voice, still focusing on your face.

I heard the familiar roar of the Hulk, that got my attention. My eyes shot up, the entire team was surrounding us.

Steve kneeling in front of me.

"We've got to get her back to the compound."

Hulk was standing a few feet behind him.

I guess I was holding onto you so tightly, as if you were going to float away.

Tony came over.

"Friday, read vitals"

As Tony began evaluating you, my eyes wandered.

Wanda was sobbing, kneeling on the ground, Vision trying to comfort her.

Nat was standing with Clint, hand over her heart.

I felt Tony try to move my hand from your wound, my attention instantly on him. Giving him a death stare, like a starving animal defending its food.

"Buck, we've got to get her back," Steve said.

I finally let up, letting Tony take you.

Steve assisted in helping me to my feet. My hands were covered in your blood.

I've dealt with this, too many times to count. I'm used to this, usually calm and collected.

But my hands were shaking uncontrollably.

My hair began blowing around, I looked up, and the quinject was landing nearby.

Tony picked up your body, flying it to the jet.

The rest of us followed.

It began taking off as soon as Tony laid your body down.

I made my way towards you When the jet got a large jolt at the back of it.

Everyone's eyes looked, at a green hand holding onto the door.

Then another.

We all watched as Hulk pulled himself onto the jet.

He had to crouch down to enter fully.

We all watched as he stepped toward you, his heavy footsteps moving the entire quinjet.

He made his way to you, Tony was putting pressure on the wound.

Using clean gauze, continuing to replace it as you kept bleeding through them.

I was on the other side of the table, with Wanda beside me.

I put my arm out, protectively, forcing us to take a few steps back.

Hulk made his way next to us, looking at us.

His nostrils flared a bit.

His gaze wandered down to you laying on the table.

He tilted his head a little.

Bringing his massive hand to your face.

The entire jet was silent as we all watched him hold out one finger.

As gently as he could, he wiped a piece of hair out of your face.

Everyone's jaws opened in surprise, but no one made a move.

His eyes looked up to Tony, who was standing on the other side of the table, holding pressure still, wide eyes watching Hulk.

You could see a flash of fear as Hulk met his eyes.

"Banner?" He said with a low grunt.

Tony's mouth opened as if he wanted to say something. But he instead slowly nodded his head.

Hulk gave him a nod. He stepped away, just a bit.

"Banner." He said to himself as if he was calling Bruce.

He took a deep breath, his large chest rising, and slowly falling.

We all watched as the green faded and their body shrunk down.

All of us looked at one another in disbelief.

Watching Bruce blink his eyes a few times, coming back to his body.

He finally saw Tony standing across the table from him, staring at him.

Bruce's eyes darted to your body on the table.

He instantly jumped into action, getting to work, and helping Tony.

No one said another word for the rest of the trip back to the compound. 

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