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PS: im back!! Plz dont be a silent reader. Also, sorry for the long wait!! i love you all so much. New updates will be posted more regularly :)

Jungwon's POV

Ni-ki had been gone for a while now and I was more than grateful. Luckily, Heeseung had stepped in and saved me from any more injuries other than my nose.

However, the damage had been done. My nose felt really painful and bruises seemed to be littered all over Heeseung's arms.

Sunoo had brought both of us to the Nurse's office but she only gave us ice packs.

"That asshole!" Heeseung grunted.

"I mean everyone knows he is... but Heeseung-hyung you shouldn't have gotten into a fight with him. You could have gotten seriously hurt!" Sunoo spoke up.

My best friend continued sorrowfully, "And Jungwon, I'm sorry he hurt you. I should have come out of the toilet faster,"

I quickly told him it wasn't his fault and calmed him down.

All though I had gotten hurt, the only thing that was on my mind was the scar on Niki's arm.

It looked fresh and like it was from a belt.

Somehow, I felt bad for him since it must mean he was facing some kind of trouble...

I tried bringing it up to the other two but Heeseung-hyung was quick to rebutt.

"Why do you care whether he has a scar or not. The bigger issue is that he's a danger to you!!" He raged.

"Cmon hyung, you know I'm not the kind of person to wish harm even on my  enemies .... also, the scar could mean something bad which was why Ni-ki was so scared we had seen it!" I tried to appear convincing.

Sunoo seemed to be sitting on the fence about this.

So, I just let it be and rested until we were allowed to leave.

Heeseung-hyung parted ways with Sunoo and I.

That's when I knew it was the perfect time to talk to Sunoo about my thoughts. Heeseung was too hateful towards Ni-ki to care.

"You agree with what I said just now... right?" I started.

"Err ... kinda, it still doesn't erase the fact he's still a bully and rude person," Sunoo replied.

He was right but while waiting in the Nurse's office, I had come up with a plan and I needed to rope him in.

"Yea, but I think we should figure out what's happening to Niki," I said.

"You mean like talk to him?" Sunoo already seemed against what I had in mind.

I nodded meekly and Sunoo was flailing his arms in various directions, trying to talk me out of it.

But I put on my best puppy eyes and tried to aegyo my way into Sunoo's heart.

After much persuasion, Sunoo agreed with the loudest huff I've ever heard.

"Okay fine, but first you have to tell Jay about all of this," he demanded.

"You mean my stepbrother? Wait why?" I was rather confused.

"Well he's gonna see the bandaged nose anyways. Plus, I'd feel better knowing that there's someone to protect you in case Niki tries anything funny again,"

Sunoo was right. Jay-hyung would defo be my shield. He would never let me get hurt.

All I had to do was convince him that my plan was fool-proof ....

Even though it wasn't.

                            ~^. ... .^~

School had ended and I was nervously waiting for Jay.

This time, I had once again gotten hurt by Niki but there was something different.

I wasn't scared to tell Jay-hyung the truth now. Thinking about how much closer we had gotten over the course of the past months, I felt myself grinning widely.

Right then, Jay pulled up in his motorbike.

A tight white shirt was hugging onto his fit body which was covered by a stylish denim jacket paired with similar denim pants that brought attention to his muscular thighs.

Jay never failed to impress me with his looks, not to mention that I still very much had a burning crush on him...

However I had a strong resolve regarding my 'Niki Plan' and I wasn't going to let it melt due to Jay's hotness.

"Hey jungwonnie! Oh my god, what happened to your nose. Why is it bandaged??" Jay's voice morphed into one of worry as he started walking towards me.

I tried my very best to calm him down while explaining the events that had occurred slowly.

Panic flashed in his eyes which soon grew into anger and I could already sense what he was thinking.

"That bladdy Niki, I'm gonna- " He erupted.

Alas, I quickly pushed my index finger onto his lips to shush him.

'Woah, why are his lips so plush and soft... Shut up MIND!' the unexpected thoughts in my brain screamed.

I quickly returned to what I was going to say.

"You know, about the scar... I want to help Niki," I looked at Jay as earnestly as I could.

Jay's POV

I was truly not in tune with Jungwon's idea. Meddling with Niki's business would only cause him more problems so  the urge to retort with a firm 'no' was on the tip of my tongue.

However, jungwon's finger on my lips and his cute expression had gotten me distracted.

So, I caved in and agreed reluctantly.

If Jungwon wanted something, I would definitely help him but most importantly I will definitely protect him.

A frisson of excitement shot through him as he dived in for a hug. I hugged back after pinching his milky cheeks.

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