Chapter 1 - Patrol

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Merlin sighed as he paced in front of Arthur's fireplace. He'd been waiting for the git to get back from the family dinner the King had insisted on having with the Prince and Morgana every week. He paused to tend to the fire. It was early spring, so the castle still had a slight chill in the air. Finally, after what felt like ages, which was probably only twenty minutes or so, Arthur entered the room. Merlin sighed in relief and went to go get the Prince's nightclothes while the man made his way to sit on the edge of his bed for a moment.

"How was it?" Merlin asked as he turned back to the bed. Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Still stiff as ever, though thankfully Father and Morgana didn't get into an argument this time," Arthur stood up, letting Merlin's thin fingers pull at his day clothes. "I see you haven't paced a hole into the floor yet."

Merlin paused to frown at Arthur before pulling the nightclothes onto the man. "Yes, well. I can't sit still is all."

"Father did ask if we could go on patrol starting tomorrow," Arthur commented. Merlin looked up.

"Who's coming with us?" Merlin asked. Arthur smirked.

"I convinced him it would be more efficient for just us and Leon to go."

Merlin looked up at the man hopefully. "Do you think it would be okay for me to be a girl some of the time?"

"Of course, Merlin, that's why I convinced him to just have us and Leon go. It will only be for a few days, just a short patrol," Arthur rolled his eyes. Merlin couldn't keep the grin off his face for the rest of the night.


The next day, Merlin had made sure the three horses were ready with enough rations for a week. Taking into consideration that Prince and knight loved to hunt for dinner when they could. If they came across a big enough river or lake, Merlin could even cook fish for one night. Just as the sun was cresting over the horizon, Merlin was heading back into the castle to pick up breakfast for Arthur. He nicked another roll and threw it onto the tray when the cook wasn't looking and ran out the door before she could notice it was gone.

"Rise and shine, my lord!" Merlin pulled back the curtains to let the weak sunlight filter through. He heard a small groan from the bed before Arthur pulled himself up from the bed and rubbed at his eyes.

"At least it's not you're usual 'Up and at 'em, lazy daisy,'" he yawned as he stood and made his way to the table. Merlin took the extra roll and broke off a small piece to pop into his mouth before heading to get Arthur's clothes ready for the day.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked, noticing the fire had gone out in the night. It didn't seem too cold though.

"Fine," Arthur replied after he swallowed his food. "Does Cook know you stole from her again?"

"Nope, and I'd like to keep it that way," Merlin gave one of his mischievous grins as he headed to clean the fireplace out now that the clothes were laid out in the bed. They stayed in silence as Arthur ate and Merlin went around the room cleaning small things before they left. Merlin was antsy as they made their way to the horses. Leon was already waiting for them.

"Good morning, my lord," the knight bowed slightly to Arthur. "Good morning, Merlin."

"Good morning!" Merlin gave a bright and cheery grin before they all mounted the horses. Merlin reached down to stroke his mare's neck. He whispered to her. "Are you ready, girl?"

The horse snorted, rearing her head back slightly in greeting before starting after Arthur and Leon's stallions. Merlin gave a grin to the knights watching the gates as they passed, getting a small smile and head nod from both of them.

Merlin 'Emma' EmrysWhere stories live. Discover now