Chapter 5 - Uther Confronts Merlin

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Life at the castle continued as normal despite the guests. Arthur had cleared his schedule for a day and planned it to be with Lady Mithian. Merlin had given the plans to George and decided to be with Morgana that day. In the morning, he changed into Emma and got dressed in the servant's gown Morgana had insisted she buy for her. It was a light lilac colour and mostly simple. It did have some lacy design around the bodice, but nothing fancy. It was made out of a nice cotton, though.

She started her routine off the same as Arthur's. Grabbed the Lady's breakfast before making her way up to Morgana's bedroom. Uther seemed to appear in the corridor and stopped her.

"Emma was your name, yes?"

Emma turned to the man and gave as much of a courtesy as she could with a breakfast tray in her hands. "Yes, your highness."

"Why don't I see you around the castle more often?"

"Well, I'm not here all the time. Lady Morgana hired me herself for when she needed extra help. Gwen was given the day off as her brother is in town," she shrugged carefully.

"You remind me an awful lot like Merlin," Uther narrowed his eyes. Emma tilted her head with a frown. Inside, she was very nervous about where the King was trying to go with this.

"I've never met the man. I've heard of him through Gwen and Lady Morgana. I've heard Prince Arthur complain about him sometimes," she managed to not sound shaky, thankfully.

"Where did you grow up, Emma?" Uther still seemed suspicious.

"A small town near the Forests of Merenora in Escetir," she replied. It wasn't technically a lie, but Ealdor wasn't as near the forests as...


"Yes, your highness," Emma nodded. She had definitely been there a few times with Will before, so she could pretend. She did remember what it was like. Similar to Ealdor in a way, partly a farming town.

"I see," Uther nodded. Without another word, the man turned around and left. Emma let out a silent sigh of relief but turned herself to continue on to Morgana's room. She set the tray down carefully and pulled the curtains open.

"Wakey wakey, my lady!"

She heard a small groan from the bed as Morgana woke up. "Now I know what Arthur's talking about."

"Hey, my morning greetings aren't that bad!" Emma pouted. Morgana merely smirked before lifting herself out of bed and silently padding over to the table where she sat down.

"I see you're wearing the dress I bought for you," she nodded in satisfaction before taking a small sip of the water goblet.

"It's not as bad as I thought it would be," Emma smoothed the dress down with a hand. "It's very soft."

"Hmm, almost like I know what I'm doing," Morgana winked at her before starting to eat. Emma laughed before puttering around the room. She made the bed, cleaned the fireplace, and dusted the furniture.

"Do you pick out your own clothes? Arthur usually has me do it for him," Emma asked, tilting her head. Morgana scoffed.

"That man wouldn't know fashion if it hit him in the head. I did notice that his outfits actually coordinate and match since you started working here. Thank you for that. I was getting tired of watching him prance around like an oaf," she rolled her eyes. "I do usually pick out my own dresses, but I will need help with the backing."

Emma nodded. Not too long later saw the two women walking the grounds.

"Would you like to watch the knights for a bit?"

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