Chapter 3 - Morgana and Gwen Find Out

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"Merlin," Arthur was watching the man move around his room. The servant looked up, noting how it was going to be getting dark outside soon. "You should probably change soon."

"Yes, sire," Merlin finished the task he was doing and made his way to the mostly unused door in the far corner of the room. What was supposed to be his bedroom. He walked into the room, surprised to see that the servants had at least dusted in here for him while they were on patrol. Shaking his head, he made his way to the dresser and opened it. He pulled out some underclothes and then began to take his male clothes off. He folded them and put them on top of the dresser.

Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to change into a woman. She stood there for a moment before getting dressed in her underclothes. She moved to the armoire and saw two dresses for for a servant. She pulled out the nicer one, light green in color. It was a finer wool, though still for servants. At least it wasn't itchy. Lastly, she pulled out a pair of delicate shoes for walking around the castle.

"Mer- Emma, are you done yet?" Arthur called from his room near the door. Emma smiled gently at the thought of him not wanting to intrude. She silently made her way to Arthur's room and bowed her head, a cheeky grin taking over her face as she did.

"Yes, my lord."

Arthur only rolled his eyes as he turned his own wardrobe. "What am I wearing tonight?"

"Well, it is spring," Emma pondered as she moved over to the prince's wardrobe. "You can go for a lighter color if you want. What about a light blue?"

"Works for me, I don't mind. You're the one who coordinates these colors for things," Arthur reminded her with a raised eyebrow. Emma turned to him with a mock glare as she put her hands on her hips.

"Well, Arthur Pendragon, you are a Prince whose going to be King. I should expect you to dress the part as well, instead of dressing like any other common nobleman," she huffed before turning to grab one of Arthur's nice light blue shirts. It wasn't banquet worthy, but very close.

Arthur bristled at the words but knew he couldn't fight back. So he gave a petulant sigh and rolled his eyes instead, pulling his current shirt and breaches off. He'd change his underpants when he got back, after Emma left for the night.

Emma dressed him as efficiently as she always did. Just as she finished tying his breaches with expert and clinical hands, she took a step back as a knock sounded on the door.


George peaked his head in. He gave Emma a strange look but ignored her in favor of the Prince. "My lord, dinner is ready for you and the Lady Morgana. Your father is already waiting."

Arthur nodded. "I'll be right down."

George bowed his head and disappeared once more. Arthur slipped his own castle shoes on before the duo headed to the throne room which had been prepared for dinner. Emma took a small hallway so she'd appear from the servant's door instead. Wouldn't do to have a female servant follow Arthur into the room without reason. The only other servant that would be staying in the throne room attending the royal family was Gwen. The woman gave her an odd look for a brief moment before smiling at her.

"Hello, you must be new here," she picked up a wine jug and handed it to her. "What's your name?"

"My name is Emma," Merlin gave her a cheeky smile, which admittedly probably wasn't a good idea with Gwen. Gwen knew Merlin very well. Gwen paused as it was before continuing the conversation.

"Nice to meet you, Emma," she picked up another wine jug for herself. "My name is Gwen."

Emma didn't get a chance to respond before Gwen ushered them into the room. Emma winked at Arthur before taking her spot behind him. Uther paused in his conversation with his children to look at Emma with a weird look. Emma blinked at him but didn't say anything. After a moment, she simply stepped forward to fill Arthur and Uther's cups.

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