A Wattpad Meet-cute

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The door opened into the corridor. Gia and Nicole stood rooted to the floor, neither able to move or make a sound. The sound of sneakers squeaking on the floor as the figures entered the space sliced through the tension in the air. Oh my gosh.....it could be!

"Do we get snacks? i haven't eaten since this morning," The voice rung through Nicole's ears and her jaw fell open. It was Henry Cavill. The laugh that sounded confirmed Gia's thoughts... Christopher Evans. The two men stepped into the corridor; they looked so human. So normal. Gia and Nicole on the other hand, did not. "Uh...Hello?" Henry said kindly. Chris waved politely as he asked "Are you lost?" Neither girl said a word.

* Gia's Perspective *

I was suddenly highly aware of myself. Holding my hat on my head with one hand, hiking my skirt up from the floor so I could run comfortably in the other. I could feel my myself blushing. I could feel Nicole's eyes on the back of my head...but I couldn't turn around. I couldn't do anything. I felt like Ross in that one episode of 'Friends.' I needed to say something. Anything.

"Words." I said meekly. A hot flush went down my spine as Chris let out his soulful chuckle and stepped towards me, he held out his hand to meet mine. My legs felt like jelly. I lowered my hand from my hat and reached for his hand. "I'm Chris, nice to meet you..." I stared blankly. I knew my name...surely. It all came back in a flood as Nicole cleared her throat behind me. "Oh, Gia. I'm Gia." Chris smiled softly at me before lifting his eyes to Nicole. It was then that I remembered my bladder. I skipped awkwardly around Chris and hurried into the open space to get to the bathroom. "I'm Hen-" Henry trailed off as I ran down the hallway. "I'm Gia. I need to pee!" I reached for my hat again, regretting wearing it today.

(End of Gia's Perspective)

* Nicole's Perspective *

I felt my jaw hanging lax and closed my mouth. I was expecting something, but meeting Henry Cavill like this... definitely wasn't it. I composed myself and gave Henry my most polite smile as he glanced my way. I held out my hand for Chris as Gia ran down the corridor. His hand was cold as it wrapped around mine. Henry turned away from Gia and approached me. My heart was pounding so loud in my chest I was worried I wouldn't hear him speak.

"I'm Henry. Pleasure to meet you." He smiled as he opened his arms in gesture of a hug. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me in tightly. He smelled even better than I had imagined. "I'm Nicole." I said as I stepped back from the embrace. "I apologize for our reactions; we came looking for a bathroom and didn't expect to meet anyone." I continued softly. Henry looked at me as a cheeky smirk spread across his lips. "You didn't expect to meet anyone... down the guarded corridor...that's cordoned off from the general public?" he teased. My cheeks felt warm, and I turned away from his deep gaze. The power this man had over me. I thought.

(End of Nicole's Perspective)

Henry looked Nicole up and down

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Henry looked Nicole up and down. His mind started to imagine how her lips would feel against his. Chris nudged him, pulling him from his thoughts. "We should go find something to eat before we get ready for the meet and greets." Chris said plainly. Henry nodded and cleared his throat, he felt like Chris could hear his thoughts. Chris smiled at Nicole and began walking away with Henry following behind. "Wait! Henry..." Nicole called out. She twisted her ring on her finger too afraid to make eye contact. " Could I possibly get your number?" she asked shyly. Henry smiled softly at her. Chris raised his eyebrows at Henry before turning away to hide his smile.

Henry approached Nicole and placed his hand lightly on her waist

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Henry approached Nicole and placed his hand lightly on her waist. He leaned into her, whispering a string of numbers into her ear. Nicole felt her breath catch in her throat as Henry left a gentle kiss on her cheek. Chris shook his head and began walking towards the exit, Henry followed behind. Nicole fiddled around in her purse to find her phone before hurriedly entering the numbers Henry has recited. I guess all those hours memorizing orders finally paid off she thought. She stood in the corridor reeling from what had just happened... maybe she was dreaming? Nicole reached down and grabbed the skin on her forearm twisting tightly. "Ouch!" she exclaimed. Definitely not a dream. "Nicole! You were supposed to stall them. You literally only had one job!" Gia called from down the hallway as she exited the bathroom. Nicole turned to her as if lost in a daydream. Gia looked concerned. "Are you okay?" Gia asked cautiously. " Henry gave me his number" Nicole sung "Maybe I am Julia Roberts..." Gia furrowed her brows and pulled up her top lip in confusion. "What?" she asked. "Nothing. Nothing." Nicole replied.

The girls began the walk back down the corridor. Security still hadn't returned... what had happened? They ducked back under the blue velvet rope and walked back through the crowds. Today was already more memorable than they had expected... all those months of hard work had already shown to be worth it.

Gia noticed a sign behind an object in the corner that caught her attention. She knew exactly who that sleek black; 1967 Chevrolet Impala belonged to. A girlish squeal escaped her mouth as she reached for Nicole who was still holding her phone to her face as if it was the solution to all the world's problems. Gia ignored the derpy look on her face. "Nicky... Henry doesn't arrive, technically, for another 2 hours...so... can we go see the Supernatural meet and greet?" Nicole nodded absently and followed peacefully behind Gia. The line was roughly 30 people long but there was so much visual stimulation around, the girls would hardly be bored.

Gia admired the Vehicle. The decorators had really made an effort she thought to herself. She took notice of the angel wing shadows seared into the backdrop; the detail paid to color schemes- the use of purple and khaki that were famous in the show; the screen playing snippets of the show's highlights. The crowd began to lead into the conference room to meet the actors. Gia turned back to Nicole who gave her a supportive thumbs up and the two girls went in.

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