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Jessica's POV

Sitting in my office at the store, I put my head in my hands feeling the intense headache coming on.

Between running this store, helping with stuff for the other one, and planning this wedding, I don't know if my mind will ever be able to catch a break.

The minute I told my parents, and my best friend, that I was getting married, they all jumped into planning mode, something I know my mother has been dying to help with since she found out that I was a girl.

A knock coming from the office door brings a welcoming distraction to my mind.

"Come in" I respond.

The door opens revealing Jax, a smirk on his face, along with a taller man with long brown hair and a long beard.

"Hey there beautiful, got some time for lunch?" Jax questions, leaning down to kiss the top of my head.

"Please, I'm begging you, pull me away from this computer" I plead.

Jax let's out a chuckle, before pulling me out of my chair. He wraps an arm around my waist, before turning us towards the taller man standing in the doorway of my office.

"Jess, this is my best friend Opie, or Harry, whatever you decide to call him he will answer. Ope, this is Jess" he introduces.

"It's nice to finally put a face with the name, I've heard a lot about you Opie" I say to him.

Opie let's out a chuckle, before looking between Jax and myself.

"It's nice to meet you too, and trust me, I've heard a lot about you as well. This one right here won't stop talking about you" he responds. 

The three of us make our way to the diner down the street, making idle conversation between the three of us.

It's nice to finally meet someone from Jax's life.

I know some people find it weird that I've never met anyone in Jax's family, or from his life in general. While I probably should have pushed for that before we actually got engaged, from everything he's told me about his family, I really don't want to meet them, or have anything to do with them for that matter.

After ordering our food, all attention at the table turned to me.

"So, Jax here told me you are from Santa Barbara" Opie states.

I give him a nod, before setting my water down on the table.

"I am. My family is still down there, but I needed a change. So, when we talked about opening up another store, my best friend saw it as a chance for me to get the change that I needed, so she pushed me that direction" I explain.

I let the questions from Opie come, answering every single question that he threw in my direction. 

Jax's POV

 Pulling up at the clubhouse a few hours later with Opie behind me, I feel a lot calmer than I did when I left earlier.

I wasn't nervous about Opie meeting Jessica, but I was nervous about how my best friend and my girlfriend would get along.

Not that I had any reason to actually worry.

After Opie had finished interrogating Jess, the two got along better than I had expected them to.

Getting off of my bike, I look over at Opie, who has a smile on his face when he spots Donna and the kids standing next to my mom.

Patting Opie on the back, I greet Donna and the kids before walking over to my mom.

"He looks happy to be home" she states.

"He is, told me earlier he couldn't wait to get home to them" I tell her.

She gives me a nod, before turning all of her attention to me.

"When are you going to give me grandkids, or a daughter in law? I'm not getting any younger here, neither are you" she questions.

I roll my eyes at her, wanting to just let the ground swallow me up right where I stand.

"It'll happen when it happens Ma" I tell her.

Giving her a kiss on the cheek, I make my way inside to grab a beer, before sitting down at one of the tables watching everyone around me party.

My mind goes to Jessica as I look around the room. Would Jessica like the club, or the clubhouse? Who knows at this point. Do I want her here no matter what? Of course I do.

Growing up, I couldn't wait for the minute I could slap a crow on someone and call them my old lady.

Sure, before I met Jessica, I had my fair share of women in and out of my bed, everyone knows that, including her. Since meeting her, I went from wanting a women to show off, to wanting to be no where other than at the house relaxing with her.

After finishing my beer, I toss the bottle and make my way outside.

"Where are you going?" I hear coming from behind me.

I turn around to see a croweater, Ima, walking towards me with a sultry smile on her face.

"Home" I respond.

Ima walks up to me and puts her hand on my arm, batting her eyelashes at me.

"Let me come with you, we could have some fun" she states.

"Nah, I'm good" I tell her.

"Oh come on. We used to have a lot of fun together, we could still have fun together. Just let me come back with you, it's been a while" she pleads.

I sigh, wishing the pleads would end. Last year, I would have immediately taken her up on the offer, hell I would have went to her before she had the time to offer, now I want to get away from her and get home as quick as possible.

Ima is the type of woman who wants status, and she can get the status she desires from me. She knows eventually I'm going to hold the presidents patch, and she wants nothing more to be the queen around here, she wants to be the top bitch in the clubhouse.

Not like that would ever happen, Jessica or not.

"I've told you once, I'm going to tell you again, leave me the hell alone. I don't want you now, or ever. Get that through your thick fucking skull" I state, pulling her arm off of me and walking towards my bike.

 After a short drive home, I pull into the driveway, letting out a breath of relief seeing the house in front of me.

Making my way quietly into the house, I make my way to the living room where I see Jessica curled up on the couch, a book in one hand, and a glass of wine in the other.

Hearing my footsteps, Jessica looks up at me, a smile coming to her face when she spots me.

"You get Opie home safely?" she asks, putting her book down next to her.

I give her a nod, before sitting down on the sofa next to her.

"I did, he was happy to be home" I tell her.

She gives me a nod, before sighing and curling herself into me.

"So I did some thinking about the wedding earlier" she tells me.

"And what did you decide about that?" I question.

"I don't think I want to do anything big. I say we do something little with my family, maybe Opie in the backyard" she suggests.

I kiss the top of her head, before pulling her towards me.

"Are you sure that's what you want? We can do something bigger if you want, there's no problem with whatever you want" I ask her.

"As long as it ends with us getting married, I don't care what we did" she responds, a bright smile on her face.

"Sounds amazing" I tell her.

The Secrets We Keep // Jax TellerWhere stories live. Discover now