No One Knows

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"Are they even gonna show up?" Asked Jake, from their shared mindspace.

They, Marc and Jake, were stationed outside a warehouse, waiting for someone to show up. On orders of Khonshu, they had to steal a valuable artifact rumored to have the power to cause them great harm. It was pitch black, the sky above a dreary gray, and Marc was getting antsy.

"They better." Grumbled Marc out loud, "We've been out here in the cold all night just for some little toy. Khonshu won't even tell us what it does besides that it's dangerous. Honestly, why should we bother if he's not even going to be honest?"

Jake sighed, "Necesitas relajarte, they'll show, and even if they don't, we can just go back to sleep later, ok?"

Marc only sighed, shaking his head. "Yeah, I guess, but-"


Khonshu growled menacingly, making a sudden appearance behind them. Marc didn't jump, but it was a near thing. Below them, he could hear two people talking amongst themselves.

"We've just got a new shipment today. Apparently, it's supposed to be super dangerous." Said guy one in a hushed tone. Guy two then responded, smirking, "Yeah? Well, I certainly can't wait to use it then." It was clear as day that whatever they had planned wasn't good.

But luckily for the travelers of night, and unluckily for them, Moon Knight was there to intervene.

He jumped down from the rooftop he was standing on and began his assault. Marc punched guy one in the throat, causing him to wheeze, clutching at his neck. The other guy had jumped when he landed between them and was currently in the process of pulling his gun out when Moon Knight slammed his head against the warehouse's wall.

Marc turned back to the other guy, who had managed to regain his composure. He launched towards him and kicked him in the kneecap as hard as he could. The guy cried out loudly. Loud enough for the other men in the building to realize what was going down and come running out, guns wielded in each of their hands. The fight was terrible. With every person he took out, two more popped up in their place. Marc took down as many men as he could, but it was no use.

"Fight harder!" Jake screamed at him.

"I'm trying!" Marc shouted back, "They're armed and there's like fifty of them!" Just then, something red and blue jumped into the fray, knocking down the man who was holding a gun to the back of Marc's unsuspecting head.

"Hey, Moon Knight! Thought you could use some help!"

Marc grumbled silently to himself. Why did the kid always have to show up in such dangerous situations? Seriously, the kid should be at home, with his loving family, and not outside at three in the morning, fighting crime! There was a literal child running around New York fighting off bad guys and fuck him if he wasn't worried, okay?

Repulsors whirred to the right and Marc didn't even have to turn his head to know who it was. He rolled his eyes and nodded his head in agreement as Jake said, "Ay, Hot Wheels is here too? ¿Quién más está aquí?"

Marc took a quick survey of the alley they were in. To his surprise, there were more Avengers than he had initially expected. There was Captain America, Spiderman, Iron Man, Black widow, and Hawkeye all fighting off the bad guys. Eventually, there were none left.

Spiderman huffed, dusting off his hands, "Phew, that was rough, everyone alright?"

Everyone except Marc gave a nod or hum of agreement.

"Moon Knight?" Spiderman said after he didn't reply.

In all honesty, he hadn't thought the kid was talking to him. After all, why would he worry about someone as dangerous and scary as him?

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