A Fools Errands

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Jamal was addicted to the adrenaline rush that came with the drug trade. The game of cat and mouse, the high stakes, and the promise of quick money all kept him hooked. But like any addiction, the consequences were dire.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, Jamal found himself trapped in a never-ending cycle of violence, addiction, and danger. He knew that the drug trade was a fool's errand, but he couldn't seem to break free from its grip.

He kept telling himself that he would get out, that he would find a way to start a new life, but the thought always remained as a distant dream with little actual progress.

Jamal would go days without sleeping, constantly working to sell his product, evade the police, and outwit his rivals. His nerves were frayed, and he was always on edge, never sure if he would make it through the day. The stress and the constant strain took their toll on Jamal and he found himself turning more and more to drugs himself, drinking and using every time he could, and very soon he had become a shadow of the young man he once was.

The violence also took its toll, even when someone was not directly involved. Jamal had seen countless people die in front of him - both friends and enemies alike - all casualties of the dangerous life he had chosen. It became hard for him to tell sleep from being awake, and he drifted through days in a dreamlike stupor.

But despite all of this, Jamal refused to give up. He told himself that the drug trade was the only way he could escape the poverty and violence of his neighborhood. The only way he could provide for his family.

He had heard stories of people who had made it out, who had escaped the drug trade and started a new life. But those stories always seemed like fantasies, things that only happened to someone else, never to him.

The reality was that Jamal was trapped, trapped in a never-ending cycle of addiction, violence, and danger. The only way to escape was to find the strength within himself to take a leap of faith, put his trust in something other than desperation, and take the steps to break free from the toxic world he had created.

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