A Reunion With A Lost Girl

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The chapter starts off with Izuku just getting off of work from I.M.P, he was walking back to the hotel and wondered what the girls are doing, even though he could just use Warpgate to get there quickly, but decided to just have a nice walk back. As he was walking, he looks to his left and sees two imps, one of them was a male imp and the other was a little girl imp and they seem to be having a great time.

Random Male imp: R/MI

Random girl imp: R/GI

R/GI: "Thank you so much papa! For giving me this ice cream".

R/MI: "No problem sweetie, you know I'll get you anything you want".

R/MI: "Your the best papa ever!".

Izuku couldn't help but smile and was glad that there were some innocent people still down here. But something was triggered inside of Izuku's head as he started to remember something or someone from his past life, that's when he started to hear a voice in his head, not just any voice, it was a voice of a little girl he knew.

???: "[In a sad tone] P-Please d-don't leave me!".

Izuku place his hands on his head as he heard more of the little girl's voice.

???: "Y-You promise, you'll come back?".

Izuku quickly went into a alleyway and used Warpgate to teleport on top of rooftop where he continues to hear more of the little girl's voice as he held his head in pain.

???: "Ok...

Izuku snaps his eyes wide open as he slowly fell on his knees, this was not the first time this happened to him, he's been getting these voices of a little girl in his head ever since he got the job at I.M.P, the voices would always happen randomly but this time he felt more guilty and regret more than ever.

Izuku slowly got back up and looks up at the sky and thought "Did I made a mistake"

Izuku then looks down with a sad expression on his face, he did made a mistake. Leaving a little girl with complete strangers.

He was now determine to go back for that little girl and take her back to this world and try to give her the life she deserves.

But the question is, how does he go back to his original world, he had two options, 1 he could try and use Warpgate to get there, 2 he could try and ask a certain someone who brought him into this world for help.

Izuku went with option 1, he then proceed to try and open a Warpgate back to his world but nothing happens which frustrated him, but suddenly a portal opens behind him and the person steps out of it which made Izuku knew who it was.

Izuku: "Inkdy? What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you to be here".

Inkdy: "Well, I sense you trying to open a Warpgate back to your world, so I came here to see why do you want to go back".

Izuku: "[sighs] I... Think I made a mistake...".

Inkdy: "[curious] And, what is this 'Mistake' you are referring too?".

Izuku: "I... broke a promise... to a little girl, I left her with complete strangers and I don't know if I can trust them and who knows what their planning on doing to her".

Inkdy: "I see..., you want to try and make things right and keep your promise for her".

Izuku: "Yes... and I know this may sound greedy but can you-".

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