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-Week Later-

It's so hard seeing Jacob with his other subs but at least now I know how he truly feels even tho he denies it all and blames it on the alcohol

Ofc he would do that but the only person I can talk to is my mom because she is smart as hell she knows I'm in love with him

I literally go to sleep having dirty dreams about him even before then I masturbate to him

We talk every once and a while but not to much

He does his job babysitting me, being Dani's fake boyfriend, being my friends dom, and forgetting we ever even had a thing

It's funny how vividly I can remember that night when I first signed the contract...he dry jumped me against the dresser making me sign it because of how desperate I was

I want my Jake back the one who was a pain in the ass but all about me

But instead I have his friend I have bill and sometimes Jordan when he can come over

I decided since it's been a while I wanted to go to the gym

My girls texted me they was there and is been a while since it was just us girls

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My girls texted me they was there and is been a while since it was just us girls

Luckily Jacob wasn't here today so that's a plus

As I was about to head out Sonya stopped me and I sighed

Things has been weird since mom came home and I truly only want my mom and dad around it just feels like Sonya is dead weight but I have to deal with her since her daughter is literally like a real sister to me

Son-hay y/n how are u?

Y-um...fine...I uh actually have to go-

Son-oh yea ok that's fine I-I'm sorry I jus wanted to have a quick chat but I will just wait

She was about to walk away but
I felt horrible now so I called her back

Y-I'm sorry u can talk to me

Son-ok I just wanted to tell u since ur mom is back nothing has changed and I don't want u to feel as if u have to pick sides

Y-oh I know-

Son-and I want u to know there are somethings I can help u with as well...u and ur mom have been getting extremely close

Y-I mean yea that happens when u haven't seen ur mom in years and u wanna catch up

Son-no no I know but like I'm here to I wanna bond with my step child as well and I may be of bigger help

I can tell she is very intimidated by my mother I mean she kinda should be but she has nothing to worry about tho...I hope

Y-ok Sonya will think about it-

She reach her hands out for a hug and i hesitated but we hugged it was kinda uncomfortable for me but whatevs

Son-ur father has something to tell u later so if u can get in contact with Jacob it would be of help

Y-why-u know what ok I will thank u I'll be on my way my ride is here

I walk out and see Jordan and I smile walking over to him he looked so good

Jp-hello beautiful

I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back grabbing my ass so far I felt him grab some of my coochie too

Y-damn Jordan

Jo-ready to work up a sweat?

Y-mmhm born ready

We get in the car and I hold his hand and he kisses it

Jp-my beautiful sub


-At The Gym-

We get to the gym and I tell him he can workout far away from us since it's a girl thing and he agreed

Soon Victoria came over and seen me and I smiled


V-cmon girl we are waiting on u

Y-ok ok

We go over and my smile drops so fast as I seen who was flirting or so called "helping" Jayde lift weights

Y-what the hell

V-oh yea Jacob was here all morning so we kinda joined him but we didn't want u to feel left out so we invited u is that ok?

Is that ok?...IS THAT OK?!!

Y-sure ofc idc he is here for y'all I'll just work out then hurry and find Jordan

V-Jordan is here?

Y-yea but we don't gotta let ur Mr.Day know that

V-yea yea ok cmon

Great...just perfect

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