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Terry: What?

Terry: What the fuck do you mean by selling my van?

Angus: Hey Terry...

Terry: Nah, nah, nah, don't you Terry me...

Johnny Klebitz: Hey, just shut up for a second so you can understand... so that all of you can understand.

Johnny Klebitz: So...we all agreed that we'd find a way to start things over, to start better. Well, in order to do that we need money.

Terry: And you motherfucker thought to sell my baby to get your money.

Johnny Klebitz: Oh c'mon you dork, whatever we gonna get on it, it's not gonna be enough.

Terry: Then why the fuck you wanna sell it then?

Johnny Klebitz: Because we need to get money before we can get money.

Angus: Now you got me confused.

Clay: Told you this talk wouldn't go well.

Terry: Yeah, no shit!

Johnny Klebitz: Can you all wimpy pussies just shut the fuck up for just a goddamn second.

Johnny Klebitz: There is a little something that I cooked up so we can get our shit back together.

Johnny Klebitz: But let's be fucking honest here, our Alderney chapter is dead... gone... no mas.

Johnny Klebitz: I loved riding with you around these parts, but whether we like it or not we can't do anything in this city anymore. All that's left from the chapter is 3 damned basterds and a cripple. Our rivals have everything for themselves since they got help from across the country. No one can help us, and no one will help us. We pretty much burned our bridges in this city.

Johnny Klebitz: Our place, our new place, our new life is far away from here.

Terry: And where the fuck would that be?

Johnny Klebitz: San Andreas.

Angus: San Andreas?

Terry: San fuckin' Andreas?

Clay: Oh boy!

Terry: Are we gonna get out tan?

Johnny Klebitz: My God, you are really a bunch of dimwitted bastards.

Johnny Klebitz: Some parts of this plan even get to me. I mean, there were things that I talked to Billy about, things that actually came from him, others are just breadcrumbs I picked up on the road. I figured they might somehow be useful one day so here we are.

Johnny Klebitz: The truth is, right now we are in deep shit around here. There's nothing we can do even if we want to. The only option is to move, and there is nothing out there for us, that's why we have to make it for ourselves, and San Andreas is the place.

Johnny Klebitz: We need to get the club back up on its feet and who knows who's gonna be keen on that. But I know that our Mexican brothers will no doubt be very open to business.

Johnny Klebitz: Over there on the west coast we'd have plenty of opportunities with bike chapters from Mexico, and thanks to Billy we have some connections that we can use.

Terry: And how the fuck do you suppose that's gonna work with Billy dead, you idiot?

Clay: Well, things could work if they don't have any idea.

Johnny Klebitz: Exactly! And they don't, so obviously, we don't need to tell them every detail... we can tell it how we want it. We can go into business on all kinds of fronts, guns, protection services, we can get into the movie business, the more naked kind... and so on.

Johnny Klebitz: Everyone in San Andreas, Los Santos, San Fierro, Las Venturas, Blaine County, will be hooked on that right away.

Clay: Well, that is actually the best move that we got, but then there's the problem of the money.

Johnny Klebitz: Well, I got some ideas to get the money that we need to move to the other side of the country and to get our foot in the door, but before I can do that we need to get our hands on all the cash we can get, and we don't have many options.

Johnny Klebitz: In order to let everything behind, we have to jump on our bike and go when we're ready. The van won't help us.

Johnny Klebitz: First, we can get some money for the guns, so we can start with that, as for the van itself, honestly, no one will give two shits about a beat-up old car that has been modified beyond any recognition by some greasy old bikers... no one...

Clay: Well Terry, you have to admit that what Johnny is saying is actually pretty much our only option. Staying in Liberty City means we'll be street bums if we're lucky, and dead if we don't.

Terry: Shit... I'm getting old if the more I drink this piss-shit of a beer the more the things you say make sense.

Terry: I don't want to let my baby go, she bailed our asses so many times, but I guess all good things must come to an end.

Angus: Wow, didn't think you'd agree with it.

Terry: Shit man... I know, but this past week was like shit. It was just a fuckin' week and I felt like a filthy fuckin' rat. If that's how I'm gonna feel after a week, I don't want to know the rest of the story. If there's a promise of something better someplace else I'm happy to hit the road... even if this means leaving my baby behind.

Terry: Johnny, you go ahead and get things in order... but... uhm... my baby... here are the keys. I can't bring myself to do it and I know I'm leaving it in good hands. You take good care of her okay?

Johnny Klebitz: Sure man. I'll call you when we need to move together.

Johnny Klebitz: Clay, you ready to get some greens?

Clay: Well, somebody needs to watch your behind so let's roll.

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