Clean up - Meet the team! (01)

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Disclaimer - !!I don't own this series, nor any of the characters apart from M/n (sorry if any other characters come off too oc) the characters and series belong to Haruichi Furudate, the author of Haikyuu, I highly recommend reading the series!!

"L/n did you forget to do your homework again!?" the teacher scolded suddenly causing M/n to jump out of his seat slightly. "N-no..?" he replied, "and are you sure about that?" the teacher quirked a brow sending a cold death glare towards the male. The whole class was now also staring at M/n, he started to feel the blood rush to his cheeks as he covered his face within his hands. The teacher having an unamused face sent M/n down the hall to talk to the principal.

You see this wasn't exactly the first time that M/n hasn't done his homework, it seemed like he had never even heard of the term homework at this point, no matter how many reminders he got from his teachers, even his peers, he'd simply never do it. It wasn't like M/n wanted to get in trouble, but, who would really want to do homework? Come on, who are we kidding here?

M/n gloomily walked down the hallway, all passers-by could feel an annoyed and nervous energy just radiating off of the boy. His emotions while strong weren't exactly clear, he was mad, no, mad was an understatement, he was more so furious. He hadn't ever done homework, not once, but this is the first time he's ever gotten in trouble for it, what was this madness?! But of course with it being his first time being sent to the principal's office he was scared, terrified, a nervous wreck, he was ready to perish right then and there.

"If there is a God out there, all I have to say is I REGRET NOTHING!!" M/n started running towards the office wanting to get everything over and done with, whatever sort of detention it was he would be willing to face it.

"No, I'm not doing that, never in a million years!" a boy shouted from inside the principal's office as he pouted, crossing his arms turning his body away in annoyance. "You can't do that to me, it's so cruel!" he continued to whine. "L/n-kun, you've never done homework, I doubt you even would know what the word means at this point-" "ahem I do so, sensei!" the boy pouted once more, while interrupting the principal. "Enough L/n!" the principal shouted as he began to get annoyed by M/n's actions, how could someone be so inconsiderate to his own principal?! But M/n didn't like his reaction one bit, he almost pissed his own pants for God's sake! Who knew the principal could actually be scary? "You're cleaning up all of the school grounds every afternoon for a week!" the principal declared, practically forcing M/n to look white as a ghost. "B-but-" "no buts!".

"Ughhh, this is so tiringg, and oh so boringggg" the handsome boy whined, just making him seem even sweeter as he ran his arm across his forehead wiping the invisible sweat that he complained about. "What room was next again?" "The gym!" the principal said while walking past, seemingly just waiting for a moment that he could torment the young boy some more. "AAAH!" M/n screamed in fear as the principal suddenly appeared. "Y-yes sir..". M/n waltzed his way towards the gym only to hear the squeak of shoes and slams of balls.

'Do I go in?' the boy pondered not wanting to disturb the club, until he remembered something. He grimaced, frozen in place as he thought about what the principal would say if he didn't go in there and clean... 'Well if I don't go in then he'll see me, and I'll be dead... and if I go in then I could at least stay in the safety of the gym until the people in there leave and then I could clean!' the boy had made up his mind, he was going in! 'I wonder what sport they're playing!' he questioned to himself as he took hold of the handle to the door, pushing it down.


"Arrghhh" pretty boy put his hand on his head as he rubbed it in pain. "Why doesn't the damn door open?!" he shouted to himself in pain and anger then remembering about his deathbed as his anger turned to fear. He started banging on the door, praying to God that it would suddenly open for him before it was too late. He cursed under his breath as he heard the heavy footsteps of someone. The handsome boy looked around in distress as he panicked, what would he do? "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!" he backed towards the door, then suddenly "AAAAHHH"

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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