Chapter 3

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It had rained heavily that night. Amaya was upset with the events of the evening but thankfully Rhea had spared her that evening. She spent the entire night crying her heart out under the blanket. The lightning and thunder outside gave a good cover for her sobbing. She wondered why her life had turned out to be the way it had.

The next morning, the sky had cleared. As always, Amaya got ready early and left for the school. Her mind was elsewhere when she opened her locker and another note fell down. She stared at it for a long time wondering if she should even pick it up. She had convinced herself that it was a prank. Her heart and mind were in a bitter conflict. Heart was telling her to believe in it, to believe in herself but mind was sure it was a trap. Taking a deep breath, she finally picked it up. After checking the corridor for any signs of who it was from, she opened and read it.
'Seeing you cry broke my heart,
I am hoping we can have a fresh start...
Where I am the reason for your sweet smile from ear to ear,
and not responsible for your moist eyes and tear...
You are the sweetest person I have ever known,
and maybe I have never shown,
but I like you, I really do. and I want to be your friend!'

Her eyes sparkled yet they still had a tinge of sadness in them. She smiled and checked the corridor once again but failed to see Aditya hiding behind the pillar. She then took a cute little box out of her bag and kept the two notes neatly in them. She placed that box in her locker and left from there, her mind still in a turmoil. Aditya was hurting seeing the pain he caused her. Her eyes were telling the story of what had conspired last night. Looking at what mess he had created, he had made up his mind to speak to her that very same day and confess.

At the end of the Math class, Amaya excused herself citing health issues and left before the next class started. Aditya seemed worried but it was too late for him to leave. But someone else did leave the classroom without the teacher noticing.

"Hey Amaya, wait. Please wait." Amaya was in tears when she left the class. Hearing someone calling her name, made her conscious and she quickly wiped her face but the stains still remained. Without turning back, she started running in the opposite direction. But the voice caught up with her. As she covered her face in embarrassment, he came and stood in front of her. "Man, you are fast!" He tried to catch his breath. "You?" Amaya was surprised to see the person in front of her. "Oh! Sorry. I am Badal." Her expressions changed from surprise to horror. "Please. Leave me alone. I know Rhea sent you, but please I am not feeling well. Please spare me." She started to move away but Badal held her hand and pulled her towards him. Their bodies almost collided sending them both into a frenzy. "Stop. No one sent me. I am here out of my free will. I just.. .I just wanted to say something to you. Something that I could not write in my notes." She was stumped and stopped making any effort to release herself from his hold.

Their eyes were locked into each other. "Can we talk? Please? Let's just sit somewhere." Saying this, he held her hand tightly and led her to an empty classroom nearby. All she could do in that moment was follow him. He picked her up by the waist and made her sit on the desk then he pulled a nearby chair for himself. Amaya was stupefied and could not react in anyway. As he smiled at her, her heart was following a rhythm of its own. "Oh, god! You are damn beautiful. Your eyes sparkle. Never had a chance to see them up close." Blood slowly but steadily rushed to her cheeks. However, she reminded herself who he was and how she needed to be careful. Her eyes cautiously trying to read the intention in his.
Seeing how confused she was, he slowly got his hand and touched the crease on her forehead. She shivered and pushed his hand away. "Relax girl. You really are beautiful and I am not lying. I really like you. I had been trying to tell you through my notes, but Rhea suggested I speak to you directly. So, you see, I had to ask you in person to tell you that I am real. I will be very direct instead of writing any stupid poetry. Would you be my girlfriend?"
His gaze was now fixated at her face. He somehow looked tensed, as if he feared rejection. The thought brushed his mind but he let it pass. Who would reject him and definitely not a girl like her! He was good looking, rich and smart.
Amaya's heart was racing and head was spinning. Everything started to become blur in front of her eyes. Before her body gave into the pressure and she passed out, she saw a glimpse of Aditya hurriedly passing by. Seeing him brought the memories of the previous day.
As Aditya was hurriedly pacing from near the classroom, he thought he saw someone in one the empty rooms. He ran back and was surprised to see a passed out Amaya resting on Badal's shoulder.
"What did you do?" He thundered inside the room, visibly worried. Badal who was already shocked by Amaya's reaction to his proposal, was standing there, clueless about what he should do next. He was about to just leave Amaya on the table, unconscious, when Aditya stepped in, raging like a bull. It scared Badal a little.
"I did not do a thing. We were just talking and she passed out. Here, let me put her on the table and call someone."
Badal was about to carelessly put her down on the table when Aditya rushed and picked her up in his arms instead.
"Move over. Let me take her to the infirmary." Badal was a little taken aback but did not object.

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