1) New Girl, New year

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It was the start of a new year, January first 1985. Mike lay still in his bed, thinking about seeing the party again. Too see Dustin, Lucas, Will and especially El. When Mike finished his daydream he got up from his bed and walked down to the dinning table. His parents and his sister, Nancy sat there. Eating leftover chicken cooked chicken from last night. Nancy didn't eat, instead she just looked down at her plate.. inspecting it. Mike took this opportunity and forked some off here chicken on too his plate. "Mike!" Karen scolded. "What its not like she was going to eat it anyway?!" Mike responded with a mouthful.

Mike thought Nancy would get mad and shout at him, but instead she just got up from her chair and left to her room. "Nancy!" Karen called. She too got up from her chair. She walked up stairs and followed Nancy into her room. Mike followed but he went outside. Ted still sat there eating his chicken confused. Mike hopped onto his bike that he stationed on a fence, and rode off to school. There he saw dustin, who smiled with the few teeth he had. "Mike, have you seen any of the others?" Dustin asked, looking around. "No.. didn't you say you were going to have a sleepover with Lucas?" Mike responded. "Yeah, I did but after that he didn't talk to me for weeks.."

A loud creaking sound was heard from the bush. Mike and dustin shared confused looks and run up. "1..2..3!" The bush whispered. Lucas and Will jumped from out the bush. "Surprise!" Will said rising his arms up high, which soon formed into a hug with Dustin and Mike. "I missed you guys" spoke dustin softly, who slowly broke out the hug.  They all walked up to there first class, human body with Scott Clarke. They all took there seats next too each other. Quarter way in class a ginger hair girl entered the class room. Everyones eyes looked at her. She stared down at the floor awkwardly and walked quickly to Mr. Clarke. Clarke nodded at Dustin, Dustin began pounding the back off his book like a drum. "Welcome our new passenger to our curiosity voyage.." he paused. "Maxine!"

"Its max" She responded quickly. She looked at him. "People just call me max"
"Okay well.. Max you can go sit between Mike and Dustin." Mr. Clarke smiled. Max looked around confused, no idea who they were. "Im Dustin" Dustin raised his hand. "And this is mike" he pointed over to Mike. Max shuffled over stiffer than a tree and sat down in her seat. "Hey max!" Dustin said eagerly. "Hi?" Replied Max.
When the class was over dustin invited Max to come sit with them for lunch but she declined saying she'd rather sit alone then with a bunch off weirdos. "Whats up here but?!" Dustin says walking to a table. "Who cares, she not apart of our group anyway" Mike sighs sitting down. "You only just met her and your already inviting her to eat with us"

They all finished there food in silence until it was time for another class. Which was math. Max, Mike, Lucas, Will and Dustin all did this class at the same time. "We are going to be in partners" the teacher began. "Mike your going to be with max"
"Teacher!" Mike yelled. "Mike!" The teacher spoke loudly in her annoyed tone, "sorry" Mike said looking down. Max held in her laughter and sat down. "I bet you cant even answer one of these questions" Mike muttered. "468214"
"How-" Mike croaked. "You must be cheating"
"Please a first year could do this" Max rubbed it in. Mike scoffed. "Well what about this one-"
"Five hundred and twenty six thousand, eight hundred and thirty two" Max looked at him, with a look saying "what was that?"

After the class had finished mike looked at Max the entire break with an annoyed look.
"Whats wrong with him?" Max whispered to Dustin. "He just needs time" Dustin replied. "Are you going to sit down?" Dustin asked, curious. "No, I have better things to do" Max smiled as she walked off. Mike looked happy from this response.
"Mike you should really just give her a chance.." Dustin told mike. "If you want to sit with her that much, than go" Mike spoke. "Im staying here" Will informed. "I will go with Dustin" Lucas stood up from his seat and walked over to Max with him. "Max, you seem lonely and we wondering.. If maybe you go would sit with us?" Dustin started.
"Yeah we wouldn't want you sitting alone" Lucas added.

"I dont think Wheeler there would like that" She said looking up at Mike, who was still glaring at her. "Our party's a democracy" Dustin Told. "And majority voted for you too come"
"Well thats rather presumptuous of you" Max replied. "Yeah!" Dustin smiled. Max walked off slightly laughing. "presumptuous" Dustin thought out loud. Lucas looked at Dustin thinking he was stupid. "Wait..  Is that good or bad" Dustin realised. "Lucas, Is it good or bad?!"
Lucas shook his head and sighed. He walked down and took a seat at the table.

"Is she coming?" Mike asked annoyed. "We dont know.. but by her answer probably not" Lucas sighed. Mike whispered a slight "yes" to himself.  Dustin sat back down. "Mike what does presumptuous mean?" Dustin asked. Will turned to mike trying not to laugh. After the break was finished it was the last class of the day.
"Everyone get into groups of 5" The teacher instructed. Will, Mike dustin and Lucas all paired together.
"We just need one more person..But who?" Dustin thought. Both Dustin and Lucas sang at the same "Max!"

"You want me to join?" Max questioned. "No, just them" Mike snapped quickly. "Jeez, why do you hate me so much" Max asked. "I dont hate you, I dont even know you" Mike explained.
"So then why do you treat me like absolute garbage?"  Max spoke as fast as she could. But before Mike could answer she said something else. "It doesn't matter.

"Now that everyone has got there group, you can start on the group project" The teacher smiled, and then sat onto her desk, reading the daily news. "I know, we should do the project on that one plant that traps stuff in its mouth" Max insisted.
"The Venus fly trap" Dustin blurted. "We not going to waste our choice of a project on some plant" Mike scoffed.
"A plant that can eat bugs!" Max informed. Mike scrunched up his face. "Well what do you want to do then, hmm?" Max poked. "..I dont know" Mike muttered. "Come on lets just do it on the Venus Fly Trap" Dustin hurried.

They ended up doing the project on the Venus Fly Trap and came second place in quality, after famous poems.
It was now the end of school and everyone was getting ready to leave. Mike took a deep breathe and opened his locker.
Inside was a scrunched up ball of paper which read:
"Meet me at the indoor basketball court, ten minutes after school" -Max (dont be late)
" why did Max want me to meet her at the basketball court?" Mike thought to himself. Six minutes later mike started walking over to basketball court and sat down on a nearby bench.

After two more minutes of waiting Max finally opened the door of the basketball court, and walked in. "I thought you wouldn't come wheeler" Max smiled. Mike got up from the bench. "Lets get this over with, why do you want to see me" Mike groaned "I want to know why you dont want me in your group" Max frowned.
"I mean all the others seem happy too, but you..you act like you dont want to know me." Max explained.
"We already have all the members we need" Mike said. "Im Paladin, Will is Cleric, Lucas is our ranger, Dustin is a bard and El is our mage"

"El?" Max questioned. "Who is el?"
"No one!" mike snapped. "Someone.."
"No one or someone..?" Max raised one eyebrow. "I doesn't matter, I've got to go" Mike hurried out the doorway and rode home. He rushed through the door and slammed the door to his room shut. "Mike?!" His mother called.
He didn't listen, instead he plopped onto his bed and fell asleep thinking.
The next day, January second 1985. Mike was the first of his family to wake up.
He was running low on money, so he decided to raid his sister piggy bank but he had to be very quite to do so. He tiptoed out of his room and into his sister's. To his surprise she was already awake.. and sobbing.

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