4) Mikey the babysitter & princess glitter bottom

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January 4th, 1985. A new day has started, when Mike awoke he saw something on his bed. It was a note.
He picked it up and read it "Nancy and I are going shopping, then staying at a friends house and your father is at work. Can you take care of Holly while im gone? I will excuse you from school this one time. If you need anything call me."
It was from his mother.  Mike really didn't want to babysit Holly but its better than going to school.
He got out of bed, changed into some causal clothes and then went downstairs to go into Holly's room.
She was still asleep. Mike hoped she would stay that way for at least a few hours.
He went into the kitchen and put two pieces of bread in the toaster. He then went back upstairs, into his room and grabbed the latest gameboy. He went back down, buttered his toast and then started up the gameboy.
The goal was to save the princess from a large dragon, he had been trying to do it for a entire month now and hadn't succeeded.
He played it for a couple minutes, until he heard the door bell go off.

"Who is it?" He called, taking a bite off his buttered toast. "Its me max" She sighed. Mike went silent. "Why are you at my house?,More importantly how did you know were I live?!" Mike snapped.
"Dustin told me" Max responded. "Well he shouldn't have. What do you want?" Mike sighed.
"You forgot your jumper at school" Max informed. Mike opened the door. Max was about to come in but he stopped her.
"Just give me the jumper" He said reaching his hand out the door. Just when she was about to give it to him, Holly started crying. Mike snatched the jumper from out her hands and ran to Holly. "Whats wrong?!" He panicked.
Holly showed him her finger, which had a large splinter inside of it. "Just wait there! Just wait" Mike spoke running out the room into the kitchen. He rummaged through a draw full of  bandaids and medicine.
He grabbed a bandaid decorated with little pink bunnies and then sprinted back to the room.

"We are going to have to take it out first" Mike told Holly. Holly began to wail even louder. He pulled on the black splinter and it came out within 4 tries. He then quickly placed the bandaid over it and wrapped it around Holly's finger.
"There you go, is that better?" Mike asked. Holly nodded, still scared.
He patted her on the head and went back to the kitchen. He saw that Max was still there and she was inside.
"What are you doing?!" Mike questioned. He looked over her shoulder to see her playing the video game that mike was unable to beat. "Your not going to beat that, I've already tried a million times" Mike groaned.
"And done" Max smiled. "What How!?" Mike boomed.
"I have already beat this game heaps of times, its one of the easiest games I have played" Max replied.
Mike stared in shock. "Yeah that game is really easy" mike lied nervously.
"Didn't you say before you couldn't beat it?" Max questioned. "Never mind that! I have my jumper so you can go now" Mike shouted embarrassed.  Holly ran into the room and looked at max. "Can you play with me?" she asked.
Max smirked at mike. "Oh fine you can stay, but only because Holly said so" Mike sighed.

Mike finished the last bit of his toast and sat down. He glared angrily at Max. At least he didn't have to watch over Holly every five seconds, he thought to himself. He stopped staring at max and went back to his game.
He still couldn't believe that Max had beaten it that easily, mike didn't want to say it but she was really good at video games.
Ten minutes later Holly went up to mike and grabbed his arm tightly.
"Mikey can you play with me and Max?" She begged.  "I told you not to call me that around people" Mike whispered.
"Sorry" she spoke back. "Alright I will join you but only for a couple minutes" Mike agreed.
Mike held Holly's hand over to the table. "What game are we playing?" Mike questioned.
"Princess's" Holly giggled. Mike didn't know why this shocked him so much, he thought they were going to play something fun like a board game or maybe a card game but he was completely wrong.
"Can I be a knight or even a prince" Mike asked. "No theres only are princesses." Holly told. Max bursted out with laughter.
Mike looked at her flames in his eyes. Max coughed and a immediately stopped laughing.
"Theres only one princess left" Holly noticed. "And who's that?" Mike sighed. "Princess glitter bottom" told Holly.

"I dont think I want to play anymore.." Mike groaned. "But Mikey you promised" Holly cried.
"Okay okay but what do you even do?" Mike interrogated. "You ride horses and you take care off them" smiled Holly.
Mike thought this was one of the most boring things he heard, and you couldn't actually see the horses emotions you had to imagine it. Mike forced a smile, which looked like he had just eaten a sour lemon.
"Okay we are starting now" Holly told max and mike. "Princess glitter bottom have you fed your horse today?" Holly asked in character. There was a awkward silence. "Mike thats you!" Max whispered.
"Oh um.. I ate my horse, NO! I mean I fed my horse" Mike tried to play along. Holly stared in absolute horror.
"I MEANT I FED HER! AND WHY DO ALL THE NAMES END WITH BOTTOM?!" Mike shouted. "Actually only princess sparkle bottom and her horse end with bottom" Max corrected. "What?! So you guys get normal names?" Mike asked.
"Sparkle bottom is a normal name!" Holly stuck her tongue out.

"Holly, when have you seen or meet anyone with the name sparkle bottom?" Mike sighed.
"Thats not the point Mike." Max groaned. "Just stop eating horses and lets continue playing"
"Fine" mike grumped. "Lets ride our horses!" Holly shouted in excitement. "Uh okay" mike spoke. He put princess sparkle bottom on top of the horse. All three of them pretend to ride there horses on the wooden table.
Mike didn't realise his horse was coming to the edge of the table, until it fell of. "STOP KILLING BAILEY BOTTOM" Holly yelled. Mike got up from the table. "Alright times up" Mike said. He went up stairs and then into his room. He grabbed a comic from the top of his cupboard and read it start to finish. He then went back down to check on Holly and Max.
To his surprise they were both asleep, curled up on the couch.
Mike smiled and grabbed a blanket to cover them both. He smiled one more time before going up to his room and falling asleep.

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