Chapter 11

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Four human teenagers

commanded by the Great Spirit

to save humankind.

Chapter Eleven


Time - September 7, 2014

Place - Forest Hills High School/ Drue's house

Queens, New York

"The wise learn many

things from their enemies.

- Aristophanes

I arrived at school Friday morning with my stomach in knots. Today was the first official day of campaigning for prospective class officers. My campaign team had been meeting daily after school at my house to work on our campaign slogan and platforms. We decided our campaign slogan would be 'The right government at the right time.' We would take the responsible approach while trying to appeal to the needs of today's student. We had to select two platforms for our campaign. The first had to be philanthropic in nature. We decided on a 'Go Green slash Campus Beautification' theme for this platform. The platform would involve things like recycling, energy conservation and planting more flowers and shrubbery on campus. The second platform was to be geared toward student needs. Our theme for this platform is 'Integrating Technology in the Classroom.' It would involve raising money to increase the use of technology in every classroom subject. An example would be using Algebra to build a robot that could assist in simple classroom tasks like taking out trash or sharpening pencils. The fund raising strategy would be our tactic to win the votes of the student body. We would solicit sponsors for school dances, talent shows, rock concerts, contests, maybe even a haunted house at Halloween. We would ask the students what types of events they would like to attend throughSURVEY, obtain sponsorship, and create the event and charge admission. Everything seemed to be going fairly smoothly until Shy Donovan, our representative for secretary, ditched us at the last minute.

"You guys are not going to believe this. It is so messed up." Amber gushed as she ran over to join our circle standing in its usual location in the commons area as we waited for the bell to release us to home room.

We were all wearing neon yellow tees with electric blue print showcasing our slogan. Our presence was very strong on campus this morning. Brayan made awesome tees and posters that could be seen from miles away. Our campaign committee arrived at school early this morning, a swarm of yellow scattered through the hallways, to hang our posters. They were busy at work still handing out neon fliers to our classmates as they entered the building. Amber was breathless, her hair askew, yellow and blue fliers clenched in her fists and overflowing from a canvas tote bag slung over her shoulder.

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