Date Night and Cuddles

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Request from slvtformafiamen 💗
All song references will be in italics 😏

"Love, are you almost ready?!" Taylor screams from the hallway, "Yes!" I reply. "Hurry, before I leave without you!" She joked. "I'm coming!" I yelled.

"Oh, love! You look stunning," a smile came across her face. "No, you do!" I complimented back, "you're so gorgeous!" I said. "Oh, stop, let's go!" She grabbed my hand.

We got into the car, and started driving. There was traffic and people were honking horns, "You need to calm down!" She yelled, knowing nobody could hear us.

One of the cars trying to speed past us was pulled over, "Karma is a god!" Taylor laughed.

"Finally!" She said once we got to the restaurant, "a table for two!" She told the waiter. "Follow me," he said as we walked to the table and he sat us down. "May I get you ladies anything?" He asked. "Whiskey on ice!" Taylor said, he walked away to get it, "Ahhh, sunset and vine!" She sighed.

"Love, what are you gonna get?" She asked, sipping her her whiskey. "I'm gonna get the salad!" I say, quickly skipping over the menu, "what is my beautiful girl going to get?" I questioned. "I want the salad as well!" She beamed, "Twins!" She said. I giggled with her.

"Here, I'm gonna take a picture, are you ready for it?" She wanted to know, I nodded, "Aww, cute! Definitely a keeper," she said.

"Are you ladies ready to order?" The waiter asked, "Yes, we are!" Taylor exclaimed. "We'll both have the chicken salad!" Taylor ordered for us, knowing I hated it. "Alright is that all?" He said. "Yes!" Taylor said, and he walked into the kitchen.

I tried to pick up my cup, but accidentally lost my grip and spilled lemon water on me, "This is why we can't have nice things, y/n!" She joked and playfully rolled her eyes. "Let's get some of these napkins and clean it up," she suggested. "Good idea," I laughed.

As soon as we finished cleaning up the spill, our waiter brought our food, "Here you go,ladies. Enjoy!" We gave him thanks and enjoyed our food.

We left him a little tip because he deserves it.

"Can we cuddle when we get home?" I asked Taylor. "Of course, love! I would love to," she replied.


We changed into our pajamas after a shower and hopped in bed. I put my head on her chest, "I love you so much.." she whispered, soft spoken in my ear. "I love you too," I say. "All's well that ends well to end up with you," she murmured, which was the last thing I heard before she gave me a kiss on the forehead and I fell asleep.

Please comment if you guys love the song references!<3
Requests open :))
Word count: 482
I love you, bye!

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