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Forgot to do song references in this one, sorry 😭
Y/e/b/n = your ex-boyfriend's name??😭
TW: mentions of abuse, neglect, and cutting!

I didn't get it. Taylor was so perfect, I wasn't. She always told me how beautiful I was, but really I wasn't. She always told me how I'm such astonishing to see, but I don't believe her. Seeing all these girls on social media, hourglass figure, no stretch marks, no scars, no acne, perfect teeth, silky hair, so smooth; no body hair, perfect noses, plump lips, colored eyes, big boobs, big butt, thick eyebrows, perfectly toned body. I wasn't really any of that; in fact, I was basically the exact opposite of it. Taylor's fans would always compliment me, but it just didn't feel genuine, I mean, she's so perfect. Way prettier than me.

I was in the bathroom doing a daily check, checked to see how big my stomach was, to see if my scars or stretch marks were visible, brushing my teeth a thousand times to try to make them look white, it was just a daily thing that really destroyed my self esteem. What made it worse was my previous boyfriend was an abusive and neglectful person.

He would always come home from work, usually drunk and just all over his co-worker, Savannah, who was obviously prettier, but was one of the meanest people I had ever met. She wasn't only rude to me, she was rude to everyone. My ex-boyfriend would always hit me. He always told me that, "I wasn't good enough," and hoe I " was so fat and ugly." I always used cutting as a way to cope, but it never helped in the long run. I had so many regrets in life, I felt so burdened. Until I found Taylor.

The sweetest, kindest, most caring person I've ever known. Any hard time I've had, she has always helped. I really don't know what I would've done without her. She was always the talk of the town, showing up best dressed and always treating everyone, even haters, with kindness. It's why I always adored her. I was a big Swiftie even before I met her, I remember after every breakup, her songs would soothe me and make me feel better. It was my hope. Just as I was deep and lost in thought, Taylor knocked.

"Is everything ok, love? You've been in there a while," she says. "I'm all good! Just getting ready for the day," I lied to her. "Love, are you sure? You usually get ready with the door open," she states. "Yeahhhhhh," I sigh. "Let me in, I want to see my gorgeous lover!" She tries opening the door by picking a lock with her bobby pins that always get stuck in her long, blonde hair. As she kept trying to unlock the door, I started sobbing a little, and she heard.

"Love!" She yelled, "Please let me in, darling. If you're hurt or struggling I don't want to see my baby going through it alone!" She proclaimed.
"T-T-Taylor..." is say between muffled cries. "Yes, honey?" She said, pain in her voice. "I'll let you in, but can I please not talk about it yet?" I asked. "Of course, baby love! I don't want to force you into anything you're uncomfortable with," she muttered. "Ok, I'm unlocking it," I mumble.

Once I do unlock it, I see her face light up, "Love, you're stunning today!" She engulfs me in a big, warm hug. The hug that makes me forget all my problems. "I'm not stunning today, I'm looking hideous today," I cry. "What are you talking about?" She frowns, "you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen, never say that again," she snaps. "But I'm not, I'm not pretty. Not pretty like all those girls on instagram," I sobbed into her shoulder. "Baby, the internet is so fake! None of that is real, it's all photoshop, I promise. Don't listen to all those people saying you have to be this or that to be beautiful. You already are! The first thing that caught my attention was your beauty, it was different from everyone else's."

I was sat on the bathroom sink for a while just sobbing into her shoulder. "You're my baby girl, I don't want anything to happen to you. I want to make sure you're ok before we just move on of this challenging day, ok?" She spoke, "Is that all that was wrong, or is there more?" She questioned, grabbing a tissue for me to blow my nose full of snot. "I'm feeling a little better, I guess..." I say, blowing into the tissue, "I'm still a little self-conscious to be completely honest," I moaned. "Aw, sweetheart. You're so beautiful, if anyone tells you different just shake it off!" She exclaimed, "Or tell me and I will go karate chop those hoes!" She smirked.

"Thanks, Tay," I say while she caresses my face. "Another reason I never feel secure is because of
y/e/b/n," I cry. "Oh, love! I'm sorry. The way he treated you was disgusting! I will NEVER treat you like he did, I promise. And if I ever do, please let me know, darling. I want to fix any mistakes that are made," she implied, wiping away my tears and placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "I don't deserve you, Taylor," I sniffle. "Yes, you do. You deserve me, I deserve you. We're perfect for each other," she responded.

"Are you feeling any better?" She asks after making me a glass of hot tea, "Much better, I now realize how fake social media is," I mutter, blowing on the tea and taking a sip. "That's my girl. How does it taste, by the way?" She wondered, referring to my hot tea she made me. "Amazing!" I reply with a smile. "That's great, darling," she runs her fingers through my hair and sat next to me, grabbing her hot tea and took a sip. "You'll always be my baby girl," she says in a soft spoken voice, "my baby forever!" She exclaims. "You'll always be mine as well," I kiss her hand, which brings us to kiss each other on the lips.

"Mine forever," Taylor whispers under her breath and looks into the distance. I'm glad she's mine.

Word count: 1082

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