First Chapter: Earls

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Sebastian entered Ciel's study with a tray of Earl Gray tea. Ciel was sitting in his office chair behind his desk, a pile of letters and newspapers covering it.

The nicely chilly spacious room was filled with the smell of rich mahogany.

"Earl Gray. Why?" Ciel asked Sebastian as he took the tea from him and took a sip. The young Earl was dressed in his usual formal attire, complete with his signature eye patch over his right eye.

Sebastian, ever the stoic servant, simply replied, "It is your preferred blend, my lord."

"Still, what's the occasion?"

"Does it need an occasion to enjoy your favourite tea?"

Ciel nodded in response, setting the tea down on his desk. He returned his attention to the papers in front of him, but then suddenly looked up at Sebastian.

"Any news about the stealings in London?" he inquired.

"No, my lord." Sebastian gave a slight bow.

Ciel suddenly chokes on his tea.

He was coughing. "Everything all right, my lord?"

Sebastian walks closer and takes the newspapers from his hands.

"Look,... At that payed ad."

Sebastian's eyes move to the right.

"A demon contract mark."

Sebastian's eyes widen.

Ciel composes himself.

"The title: An anonymous person asks for treatment for this birthmark"

"This is a codeword for help.

That person undoubtedly knows that there are other people in England that have made contracts with my kind.

How could they possibly know that.."

"Unless they don't know what it is." Ciel says suddenly.

His eyes watch Sebastian.

"Either way, it is dangerous for the public to start conspiracies about the mark.

It is better to discuss it with them. Face to face."

Sebastian lowers the papers.

"I agree, my lord."

"Whoever they are. They are wealthy. Paying for a whole page.

Also they are desperate."

Ciel looks at the information below the ad.

His eye moves over every detail.

"Sebastian, I have an order."

Ciel pulls out a sheet of paper and starts writing.

"Yes, my lord?"

"I want you to make sure that this letter will get quickly to that address.

We'll invite them for a nice supper."

Sebastian nods, "Very well, my lord. I'll make sure the letter is delivered promptly and discreetly."

Ciel continues writing, "And prepare the kitchen staff. We'll need an exquisite meal. Make sure to check their preferences and allergies."

"Of course, my lord," Sebastian replies.

"And I want everything to be perfect. The table, the atmosphere, the silverware. I won't tolerate any mistakes."

Sebastian bows, "Understood, my lord. I'll make sure everything is up to your high standards."

Ciel finishes writing and hands the letter to Sebastian. "Make sure they RSVP. We need to know how many guests we'll be expecting."

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