Chapter 4

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Kakashi look at the huge gate of Konohagakure with hopeless and heartbroken, he look at the scroll in his hand gloomily.

When he woke up and realize that it's already dawn, he turn to where he thought Natsuki is and find that the white haired already gone except leaving him a scroll and a note that was directed to him.

[Sorry, something came up, so I had to go. But, I already check on your injuries and you good enough to travel back to Konoha.

Also, I left the scroll that contain the information for the Hokage eyes only. Please give it to him when you get back. I usually send it to him through my summon but since you here, I will be using you as delivery instead, if you don't mind.

Hope we can meet again. If you want too...that is.

Sincerely, Natsuki]

That's is what contained on the note and Kakashi was upset by that. Those his centre don't want him in his presence? Those he knows how hurt he is when he wasn't by his side? The answer is probably no. Only the Hatake clan can recognize who's their soulmate is by laid eyes with each other, so he can't blame all of this to Natsuki.

With heavy and resignation heart, he walked in to the village and proceed himself to the Hokage Tower.

He knocked the officed door when he arrived, he walked inside when he was given the permission and close the door. The Sandaime Hokage look up from his work and saw him, "Ah, Kakashi! Report?" Kakashi nodded and started to explain his report.

He give his briefing about the mission until the time when he had to bring Natsuki name, that he hesitant. Hiruzen look at his subordinate in confusion, "Kakashi?"

He look at the old Hokage nervously and anxiously, he walked toward the Hokage desk and put the scroll that Natsuki gave to him to deliver it to Sandaime. Hiruzen pick it up with interest, "What's this?" he asked while examining the scroll.

Kakashi nervously said, "A scroll from Akai Natsuki!" he state. The Hokage eyes widened and then put on a privacy seal in the room, he turned to Kakashi and start to question him. "You meet him?" he asked, Kakashi nodded and tell his leader what happened.

Hiruzen listen to what Kakashi told him intently, when the jounin finished what he supposed to know. The Sandaime Hokage was quiet, processing what had he been told. When Kakashi spoke again, "Hokage-sama!" he called getting his leader attention. Hiruzen looked up and gaze at the ANBU captain telling him to go on.

Kakashi was nervous but with determination, he decided to fill his curiosity and ask "It is true that Natsuki is one of Konoha? I never seen him before in the village."

The Hokage hummed and lean himself on his chair, taking out his pipe and inhale it calmly. "Now, why do you want to know, Kakashi? You never the one that interest in someone before!" the old man pointed making the silver haired turn sheepish.

"Nothing, Hokage-sama! I just..." he pause and Hiruzen raised brow at him, demanding for him to speak and Kakashi had no way on telling his leader that Natsuki caught his interest and also his centre. But he can't lie to his leader either, he sighed "Natsuki my centre, Hokage-sama!"

"Oh!" Hiruzen said in realization and look at his subordinate in sympathy. He know about Hatake policy of finding their life partner through eyes contact and about the soulmate bond their had. The Kage then compose himself and look at the Jounin in front of him with resolve, "It's happened when before you were under the care of Minato, Natsuki-kun was found by Minato when he was 6 and bring him to the village. That time I don't know why but for some reason Minato felt the need to hide him from the villagers. And I kind of understand why he did so, when I know the reason."

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