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Now if you're thinking "Oh no, I can't draw." Then let me tell you that you don't have to be able to draw to make a design for your character. You can still dream can't you? Well there you go!

First things you need to know your characters sex! Male and female clothing can be quite different depending on the universe your character is set in! A steampunk female character is more likely to wear a corset or dress whereas a male is going to wear a waist jacket and trousers. Not to say that cross dressing isn't available and trust me I hate stereotypes as much as the next person. You could have a female character wearing male clothing or a male wearing female clothing. It's up to you. "The boy in the dress" By David Walliams pops to my head...

Shall we start from head to bottom? Why not?


What is your characters hair colour? Is it a common brown or black? Or is it a crimson, blood red with black highlights? Their hair colour should reflect their personality. A hyperactive character could have colourful hair whereas a depressed emo character probably shouldn't.


Same rules that apply to hair should apply to eyes! If your character is a beautiful young aristocrat, daughter of Lord Panwell, Duke of crastia, with long beautiful blonde hair, she should have matching, intelligent blue eyes. If your character is a lowly peasant, a begger on the streets of sharst (Yes I am making up names as I go) who has scruffy, dark, short brown hair, maybe he should have young brown eyes.

upper clothing.

Jackets, waist coats, tank tops, jumpers, shirts, ties, bow ties. All items of upper clothing. Clothing should match the persons occupation. I'll use one of my creepypasta OC's for an example:

Dr.V, a 27 year old euthanasist who disguises himself as a psychologist. He was kept captive in an illegal laboratory where he was tested on and abused for 4 years when he was 12. After being rescued he is diagnosed with mania, nightmare disorder, parasomnia, panic disorder and PTSD. In his later life he discovers his sexual sadism disorder and Munchausen syndrome

Appearance: Old, worn, white lab coat stained with all sorts of colours, stitched up on sleeves and near bottom, emphasizing it's age. Has long, messy, unruly, pale, blonde hair and pale skin due to lack of sunlight. Glowing Yellow eyes due to constant exposure to radiation which changed the pigment in his eyes to Lipochrome (yellow) also is very tall. Has several cuts up and down his hands and arms. 

See how I applied his environment and personality to his style? After being held captive he grew pale due to lack of sunlight. His long, messy, unruly, pale, blonde hair is equal to his anxious, panicked personality. His yellow eyes are emphasizing his creepy-ness and his worn lab coat is to match his occupation of a psychologist/ euthanasist.


Other characters might judge a character by their accessories. A person might get praised if they wear an arm band with a popular band on it or maybe a pair of glasses could make the person look mysterious.

Not really sure what else to put here so... ONTO THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!

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