6- W is for Wes fucking hicks

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Hey tara😊😊 can we meet behind 7 11 in 5 minutes😊😊

Uh sure?


Tara looked around for the boy , not seeing him .

"Hey Tara!" He smiled

"Oh hey..?" Tara faked smiled

"I need to tell you something..." he smirked .

Tara's smile dropped , shit .

"What is it?" She tried to smile.

"I'm in love with you.." he confessed .

"Oh - uhm- Wes I'm sorry I don't really feel the same wa- " Tara got cut off

"I said I love you !" He was getting mad .

"Wes-" Tara spoke

Wes pushed her against a wall " it's Amber isn't it! That fucking dyke. I know you have a crush on her , I know she has one on you too!" He said angrily.

"Now kiss me , and tell me you love me!" He shouted.

"Wes-" Tara struggled as Wes forced Tara .

All of a sudden someone kicked him in the balls .

"Argh!" He groaned .

Amber rushed over to Tara , who was nearly crying "Are you okay?" Amber put her hands on Tara's shoulder .

"Amber " Tara cried and hugged Amber as tight as she could .

"It's okay" Amber held the girl .

Tara sniffed " I swear it wasn't me - I- I didn't want to kiss him " Tara panicked.

"I know , and even if you did I wouldn't care , it's your choice , you wanna go home before Wes comes after us " Amber said sarcasticly for the last part.

"Yea " Tara slightly chuckled as Amber held her hand to lead her to her car .

Tara seemed very nervous , fidgeting with her fingers , tapping on stuff , playing with her hair . Etc..

"You okay?" Amber looked over at the girl and stopped at the red light .

"Uhm yeah .. just-scared " Tara said barely

"Of Wes?" Amber frowned .

"Yeah.... how do you do it ..?" Tara asked .

"Do what?" The light turned green and Amber drove again .

"Like... you kicked him in the balls , punched him and stuff. " Tara slightly chuckled .

"Well , I don't really know I guess I would do anything to save you " Amber smiled , regretting what she said immediately.

"Really..?" Tara blushed , flattered.

"Of course" Amber smiled.

Amber dropped Tara off at her house and drove away.

She opened the door , her sister greeting her .

"I want you to meet someone " Sam smiled .

"Who?" Tara asked.

                              Uh oh

"I want you too meet ...Riche!" She exclaimed.

"Oh hi ... uhm I'm gonna go upstairs " Tara smiled .

"It was nice meeting you!" Riche smiled.

Tara hurried up the stairs and blocked Wes , she didn't want to hear from him again .

"Thank you" Tara texted Amber .

Amber: of course , hope ur okay<3

Tara:I'm okay , just need some time to recover

Amber : get some rest and stay safe , love you T <3

Tara: love you too , goodnight Ambs


Tara smiled at the text and sleeped peacefully .

She woke up , in a good mood.

Tara gathered her stuff and once she was ready she went to school .

She looked around for her bestfriend , hoping she was near.

"Hi!" Amber smiled behind Tara.

Tara spun around quickly "Hi!!! " She exclaimed excitedly .

They hugged and Mindy gagged "ugh will you too just make out already " she laughed .

Tara blushed and Amber chuckled.

"I'm being serious " mindy smirked as she skipped into the building .

"Uh-" Tara got cut off by Amber slightly chuckling .

"Let's go " Amber grabbed Tara's hand and they both walked into the school .

"What class do you have first?" Tara asked .

"Maths " Amber groaned .

"Science "  Tara frowned.

"Well I'll see you later , watch out for Wes and be safe " Amber hugged the shorter girl.

"Okay bye" Tara said sadly , not wanting to leave her "friend"

Tara stumbled to class and tried to pay attention , it wasn't easy when Amber wasn't around .

Lunch finally came and Tara was sitting with her friends , head down .

Amber put her hand on Tara's back and she jumped .

"You okay ?" Amber asked softly.

"Jeez what's wrong with you " Mindy laughed .

"Yea - I'm just tired " Tara hadn't told her friends about what happened with Wes , only Amber .

Amber stared at the girl,  Tara leaned on Amber .

Amber put her arm around Tara , making her feel safe .

Tara looked around , bored .

Until she saw him.

Wes Hicks.

Tara sat up "Amber" she whispered.

Amber then saw him and stood up with Tara .

As they were leaving , Mindy spoke " hey where are you guys goingg" .

"Somewhere " Tara spoke as they left .

They hid behind the school , where no one went.

Amber and Tara sat close together , touching legs and arms .

"Amber..." Tara started.

"Yea?" Amber looked over.

"I'm scared , I don't Wes to do anything again " Tara spoke shakily.

"Tara , I promise I will always protect you no matter what" Amber stared her in the eyes .

Tara got lost in Amber's eyes "thank you." She smiled .

"Of course " Tara dropped her head on Amber's shoulder.

Amber placed her head on top of hers and they clasped hands .

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