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"Mindy , I think I have a crush on Amber " Tara confessed.

"I know " Mindy sipped from a straw .

"What?" Tara asked , confused .

"I knew before you did " Mindy laughed.

"Okay- uhm - but I don't think she likes me back- and I don't want to make it  weird or ruin anything and I'm scared-" Tara gulped .

"Are you joking" Mindy raised an eyebrow.

"No- " Tara blinked .

"Uhm , anyway she definitely likes you back " Mindy nodded.

"I can't tell if your being sarcastic or not " Tara furrowed her eyebrows .

"I'm being serious , I bet 500 bucks she likes you " Mindy betted.


"Deal "


Mindy: are u guys going to the party tonight??

Chad: who's party

Mindy: no idea but are u guys .

Tara:I dunno

Amber: maybe


Mindy: so who am I picking up ??

Chad : well obviously me

Liv:I can drive

Amber: if Tara's going I can drive her

Tara: yes please

Amber: alright I'll be there in 5 <3

Mindy: damn that's a bit gay

Amber: What?

Mindy : 😈😈

Tara: mindy

Mindy : Tara

Tara : Jesus Christ

Mindy : where??

Tara left Mindy on read , she could be annoying sometimes .

Most of the time .

Tara started to get ready , she threw on a pair of jeans , a brown crop top with a star on it and maroon high top converse .

She put on some mascara and blush , she was ready .

She waited patiently at the door , sitting crossed legged on the floor.

She stared at her phone , waiting for a text from Amber .

As soon as Tara got a text saying "I'm outside " she quickly jumped up and walked to her car .

"Hi!" Tara exclaimed as she buckled in.

"Hey!" Amber hugged Tara and Tara hugged her back .

"Do you know who's party it is yet?" Tara asked,  trying to make conversation while Amber started to drive .

"Nope , but Mindy told me where to go so I think it's fine " " Amber pulled into the driveway,  where they could hear shouting , laughing and loud music .

"Must be the house " Amber spoke .

"Mmm I don't think so " Tara said sarcasticly.

"Lets go " Amber slightly chuckled .

Tara walked quickly into the house and Amber followed behind her .

As Tara looked around , she stood back .

"Amber " Tara sighed as she saw Wes giving out to people for underage drinking .

"Shit- let's just go find the others " Amber grabbed Tara's hand to comfort her.

They walked around the enormous house until they found Liv and Mindy .

"Where's Chad?" Amber asked.

"In the bathroom , probably lost again "
Mindy nodded .

About 5 minutes later,  Chad came , out of breath.

"Jesus where were you" Mindy mocked him .

"I got lost , this place is huge " Chad tried to catch his breath

Mindy couldn't help but laugh.

"Not funny!" He playfully punched Mindy .

"Can you come with me? I wanna get a drink." Tara asked Amber .

"Yea of course " Amber nodded as Tara reached for her hand .

Amber held onto Tara's hand as they scurried through the drunk ,  slobby teenagers .

Amber grabbed a cup of water and passed it to Tara .

"Thanks" Tara smiled as Amber leaned against the counter , facing Tara .

"You girls want some vodka?" Asked a teenager boy .

"Fuck it " Tara grabbed the cup out of the boys hand and drank it .

"Ew" she scrunched up her nose .

Amber chuckled as Tara sipped her water , trying to get rid of the taste .

"Do you have anything else " Tara tried not to gag.

"Whatever this is " the boy passed a cup to both of the girls .

Tara chugged it down " I can't drink I'm driving " Amber laughed .

After an hour or two,  Tara was very drunk .

She stumbled over to Amber , gripping onto her arm.

"Oh Jesus Tara " Amber lightly chuckled.

"Did you know that bears chop off their ears when they kill a deer " Tara laughed , falling onto a couch .

"What?" Amber cackled and sat next to Tara .

Tara placed her head on Amber's lap , looking up at her .

"I made that up" Tara giggled as she grabbed Amber's hand , pulling it closer to her .

"Wait - are you an alien ?" Tara's eyes widened .

"Yes" Amber nodded .

Tara gasped , in shock "really??" She asked .

"No" Amber played with Tara's hair .

Tara started to fall asleep "Okay,  let's go " Amber stood up .

Tara groaned , staying on the couch.

"Come on Tara " Amber blinked .

Tara groaned again.

Amber stood there,  Tara fast asleep on the couch.

She picked her up , carrying her to her car .

Amber placed her down carefully,  buckled her in and stared at her .

She smiled at the girl and started to drive her home .

Once they got there , Tara was still half asleep .

"Amber..?" Tara said tiredly .

"Yea?" Amner turned to Tara .

"Can you stay..? For a bit " she tugged on Amber's jumper .

"Yea " Amber smiled and layed down with Tara .

Tara gripped onto Amber's hand , falling fast asleep .

"Goodnight T " Amber gently kissed Tara's forehead and left .

Let Me Go - Tamber Where stories live. Discover now