We Must Stop Shinkō!

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Elimination Method has been Chosen!

Technically, the Sabotage Method was Chosen-

By the Way, this Elimination Method May Take Longer since this is the Tenth Rival-

So it Might be a Few Chapter's before the Rival is Officially Eliminated-

But I Hope that you'll still Enjoy this Chapter!

Anyway's, Enjoy!


No One's P.O.V

Eito, Hibiki, Kanade, Mikako, Xander, and Yamato were Currently Pondering about what to do in the Living Room.

Yamato had Invited All of them Over to his Dorm Room to Discuss Something with them.

When All of them had Finally Arrived, Yamato Told them Everything.

About Shinkō, what she's Planning to do at the End of the Month, how he Almost Gave Up until he was Reminded of Teruya, and that he has No Idea what to do.

Now All of them were Trying to Figure Out how They could Eliminate Shinkō in Order to Prevent the Announcement from Happening.

Because if They don't Stop Shinkō from Making that Announcement to the Entire School, Mikako and Yamato would be Exposed for their True Nature alongside their Family and the Both of them would Lose their Senpai's.

Even though None of them have Known EachOther for a Long Time, They were All Close to One Another.

They Made a Promise that They'll Help EachOther Out No Matter what.

Suddenly, an Idea Popped Up into Hibiki's Head.

Although she's Not Entirely Sure that it'll Work, it's Worth a Shot.

" Why don't we Sabotage Shinkō? "

Hibiki Spoke Up.

EveryOne immediately Looked at her.

" What do you Mean by that? "

Xander Asked, Confused as to what Hibiki Meant.

" The Day of Announcement, we'll Sabotage it. In Other Word's, we'll Make Something Go Wrong During the Event so that Shinkō won't be Able to Make that Announcement. "

Hibiki Spoke as she Smirked.

The Rest of them Thought about it for a Few Minute's before Deciding.

" I Think we can All Agree to Go with Hibiki's Idea. "

Mikako said with a Smile on her Face.

EveryOne just Nodded their Head's in Response.

" Very Well, Let's Sabotage the Announcement. However, we'll Need to Find Out how we should Sabotage the Announcement. Considering the Fact that Shinkō is Well Known, she's Going to be Protected by Multiple BodyGuard's and there's Security Equipment Everywhere. "

Yamato Spoke.

Now that was Going to be Difficult for All Six of them.

But the Three of them were in this Together.

And None of them are Going to Back Out of this Now.

It's Now or Never.

They'll Stop Shinkō from Making that Announcement at Any Cost.



I'm Done with this Chapter-

Also, there's Something that I Forgot to Tell EveryOne Yesterday Aka Saturday-

Near the End of Friday, Somewhere Around 11 PM, My Stomach Started to Hurt-

SomeTime after MidNight in which it Became Saturday, I had Started to have Diarrhea-

To be Completely Honest, it was Annoying because I had to Go to Bed-

And at 8 in the Morning on Saturday, I Woke Up because My Chest was Hurting Badly alongside the Fact that I Felt Nauseous-

I Asked My Mom to Give me Some Medicine to Prevent me from Throwing Up and to Help with Diarrhea-

I Grabbed a Bucket just incase-

When she Gave me the Pill for Nausea, I immediately Took it-

However, I Started Gagging so I Put My Head Over the Bucket-

Then I Proceeded to Throw Up-

I didn't have Covid-

But the Thing is, it was a Stomach Bug-

The Funny Part about All of this?-

On Friday at 11:30, I Went to Get My Back Popped at the Chiropractor-

Apparently, the Door to the Place was Detached for Some Reason-

Probably because of the Harsh Wind's-

The Guy who Usually Pop's My Back was Sick with a Stomach Bug-

So, his Wife was there-

There was Only Two People Working at the Chiropractor that Day-

His Wife and Another Guy who Popped My Back-

They had to Make All of the Patient's Come in as They Closed at Noon that Day-

I was the Last One to Leave-

( Stomach Flu and Stomach Bug are Kind of the Same Thing According to My Mom- )

Do you See what I'm Talking about?-

I Started to Get a Stomach Bug that Very Night-

Talk about a Surprise-

So, Yeah-

I didn't Feel Good for Most of Yesterday-

And Now I have to Go to Bed-

Because it's Almost 5 in the Morning-

By the Way, this Chapter was Only Meant to be 400 and Something Word's-

I Accidentally Made it a Lot Longer with this Explanation-

Anyway's, I Hope you Enjoyed this Chapter!

See you in the Next One!


( 784 Word's )

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