Chapter 2 - Alstroemerias

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Loud evenings like this always got on his nerves

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Loud evenings like this always got on his nerves. While others might have found Friday nights to be an excuse for shitty behaviour and reckless lifestyle, Gien thought it to be tedious. Loud, drunken singing in the streets, cars blaring their horns, the sounds of unhinged life passing by as he tried to fall asleep. Silence was his true peace, but now it was denied to him. His back ached from hauling heavy boxes all afternoon, rearranging the shelves to place new books onto them, and even hot shower didn't seem to ease his discomfort, caused by straining himself. Irritated by the inability to fall asleep he reached for the lamp, tapping it for a dim light, before reaching for his phone. Twelve minutes past midnight. 

Gien had regrets about moving to this place as the area wasn't particularly clean and the building seemed a bit shabby, but that discomfort was better than having to live back in his childhood home. He swore to himself never to return there, as just breathing that air made him sick to his stomach. Who knew a house filled with memories could bring such unpleasant sensation? Despite being an only son and inheriting it, Gien had no desire to even look at the place. Selling it was the easiest and most logical thing to do. As the image of his old room popped up in his mind, Gien quickly sat up and reached for his water bottle before nausea could hit him. 


Through a crowded street he followed her, from her car to the coffee shop, it was just a three minute walk. So many people around, so much noise, so much distraction. It was the perfect opportunity; just as everyone around, she didn't pay attention to others. He wondered how could she just sip on her drink with a smile, knowing she killed three of her children and got away with it. He took a calculated step, hip brushing against her table. It was enough to make the table wobble and knocking over her cup, spilling over her leg. She shrieked, but not a single person turned around to look. They were all too busy, too preoccupied with their own shit. "I am so sorry miss!" He said with a soft and very apologetic voice. "I didn't mean to, truly!" He knelt down, picking up the cup and it's lid. Remnants of the coffee spilled over his fingers and he feigned hurt, pretending it burned him. "Ow-" "Don't worry about it!" The woman scowled, but her face changed as the stranger rubbed his hand with a hurt expression. 

"I'll get you a new coffee miss." He smiled, dabbing a napkin on the floor to soak up the mess he caused. Just a little collateral damage. "It's fine, nothing bad happened, just...look where you're going next time." "I'm sorry miss." He smiled. When he ordered her a new cup of coffee she accepted it and beckoned him to sit down with her. One smile, one touch of hand, one flirtatious wink. She couldn't help but find him charming, her anger over spilled coffee dissipated quickly as she sipped her cappuccino and enjoyed the gentle praises he threw towards her appearance. She then left, blushing and flustered, but he wasn't that far behind. Hidden in the crowd he followed, step after step, watching as her legs started to wobble as she approached her car. Her vision became blurry as she reached for the keys inside her pocket, but was unable to control her motor skills. Her hands, her legs, her whole body refused to move, and the floor swayed under her feet. Things went dark, but her fall was cushioned by his arms, supporting her as he carried her into his own car.

He laid her down onto the wooden floor and she rasped, staring at the ceiling. "I think you would suit alstroemerias." He said calmly as the woman's breath grew shallow. Her eyes quivered, with pupils fully dilated they resembled doll's eyes. The poison rendered her paralysed, struggling to take a breath or even move her eyes around. "They're also called 'Indian summer'. Pity you can't smell them. "He said, placing the flower bouquet into a vase before grabbing his polaroid camera and taking two pictures. One of the flowers, and the second of the woman who began to slowly suffocate on her own blood.


"Move. You're too hot." Gien groaned when a slender arm wrapped around his torso and a leg in skimpy shorts hugged his hips. "You know it's been a while since someone told me that, P'Gee." Park grinned as he gave his friend a kiss on the cheek. "Uh, I meant you're sweaty. Get off me." Gien finally pushed Park off and rolled onto his stomach, yawning. "Mmh, why are you here?" "Just had a fight with my dad." Park lazily poked at Gien's ear. The older groaned again, earning himself a pull on the hair from Park. He quickly pushed himself away and finally sat up, his jaw popping in a wide yawn. 

"About?" Gien blinked himself awake before searching for a t-shirt in the dresser. Park hugged the pillow. "He wants Siam to move in with us. I don't want to see her, let alone let her live with us. That woman is vile." Gien offered his friend a sympathetic look. He couldn't even count how many times has Park talked negatively about his father's girlfriend and what kind of a person she is. "I told you, if you want money to move out-" "I'm not taking your money P'Gee." Park shook his head, his bleached blonde hair fluffing up. "Besides, dad doesn't want me to move out. He said until I find a steady job I have to stay under his roof. I'm 22, I'm not a child." He continued complaining while snuggling Gien's pillow. Then, he raised an eyebrow at the older man who continued yawning. 

"Have you been up all night again?" Park asked curiously. Quite often he would come over at night only to find the apartment empty with no sight of Gien, but he never really asked what he was doing. "I had some business to do." Gien hopped on one leg to get into his sweatpants. "What sort of business does priest's son have in the middle of the night?" Park grinned, but Gien just sighed. He truly hated talking about his father, he didn't even want to hear a mention of him. "I'll make you some breakfast." "You're the best babe!" 

"Stop it." Gien groaned from the kitchen. He was never truly annoyed by Park's playful teasing and flirting, it was almost endearing at times, but not so early in the morning. The kitchen clock showed just past 9am and despite it being a Sunday, he didn't actually planned to spend the entire day in bed. "Mmm, smells good." Park inhaled deeply as he entered the dining room where Gien set the meal. "One seafood omelette for Your Majesty." Gien snickered as he placed a large plate in front of his friend. "You're always overfeeding me P'Gee." Park huffed as he jabbed the fork into his food and stuffed his mouth, happily humming as it, as always, tasted delicious.

"Stop complaining, you always finish anyway." Gien sipped on his coffee. "Hey, I was thinking, if you want, maybe you could stay here with me." He looked around. The apartment was more than big enough for two people, and he wouldn't mind turning the storage room into another bedroom. Park stopped chewing. "I don't think that's a good idea." Gien set down his cup. "Why?" "I guess I'm still not over you." Park shrugged, swallowing his food. "And being here with you every day and night might just get my hopes up again P'Gee." "Park..." Gien sighed. They were close friends, best friends even, but despite Park confessing to him over a year ago during one very drunken evening, he couldn't bring himself to cross that friendship boundary as he hasn't taken most of Park's flirting seriously. The blonde was prone to say 'just kidding' in many cases.

"Find yourself a boyfriend closer to your age." Park snorted. "Yes mom." "Dumbass." Gien kicked his friend under the table. Only five years apart, it wasn't that much, but still. "Speaking of boyfriends though..." Park lazily chewed his last bite. "Why don't you date?" "Because 'someone' keeps sneaking into my bedroom at unexpected times." Gien's words made Park grin. "And I don't think my potential lover would appreciate that. He would have to be reeeally understanding if he were to tolerate someone else snuggling me for comfort."

"You know, one of the girls at my work has two girlfriends." Park mentioned as they finished breakfast and he stepped onto the balcony for a smoke. "I don't think I could do that. I'm possessive." "And how many people are you dating right now?" Gien teased. "Very funny." Park blew a puff of smoke into his face. "I meant i would be possessive of my boyfriend or girlfriend if I had one. But apparently those three make it work without jealousy. They even moved in together and got a dog." "To each their own I suppose." Gien continued to water his plants, splashing some water at Park's calf. "Enough about dating. Wanna go to that rope climbing place? They reopened it few days ago."

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