TWO: Rejected.

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The day of the party, Stan made sure to get ready for it extra carefully. He wanted to make sure he would be ready to face Wendy and talk to her. Kyle had already declined going, so he was nervous about going in alone. Cartman and Kenny wouldn't give two shits about his situation with Wendy so he had no backup. When he got there, the first thing he did was look around to see if Wendy was there. He couldn't find her. Did she even come? Shit. What if she's not even here. She probably cancelled or something.I need to relax. I'm overthinking it. He turned his head to a table where a few other people were already gathered by, holding drinks. That should help me relax.

Wendy and Bebe were holding drinks and laughing near the table. Clyde was there too, his arm around Bebe's waist. He looked kind of bored listening to them talk but according to Bebe he was the 'perfect boyfriend.' No one believed that bullshit.

Clyde noticed Stan and waved at him with his free hand, somehow forgetting how awkward it would be if he walked over.Wendy was over Stan. She was done with the on and off relationship and she knew Stan didn't like her like he used to, yet he still convinced himself he did.

Stan saw Wendy and his heart raced. There she is. No turning back. He walked over to them, trying to look more confident than he really was. "Hey guys, what's up?" What the fuck am I doing. Oh god.

Wendy closed her eyes and took an annoyed breath before looking up at Stan. "We were just talking." "Oh, yeah uh. That's cool." Stan smiled nervously.   "Listen, uh.. Wendy. I- Can we talk for a second?" Wendy sighed. "Sure. What is it?"

"Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for.. for everything. I- I wanna fix this. I love you. I really do and I want to be able to prove that to you." Wendy put her hand up in front of Stans face, indicating that she didn't care and didn't want him to continue. "Stop it Stan. I'm done. Every time we get back together you ignore me! I'm sick of this! I'm sorry Stan but its a no. Can you please just leave me alone now?" Wendy huffed.

"But Wendy I-" "No Stan! I'm done! Just because your desperate now doesn't mean I'm gonna take you back!!" Stan felt sick. He swallowed back the lump in his throat before he spoke. "Okay." He walked past her and grabbed a drink, chugging it like a lifeline. Then another. And another.

The people by the table were taken aback. He drank until he felt like he was going to keel over if he drank any more. He felt like he was going to throw up and he ran to the bathroom, feeling like everyone's eyes were on him. He tried to throw up, but he couldn't.

He felt so dizzy and sick. His heart was pounding in his chest and everything felt too loud. He could hear all the people talking outside the door and he covered his ears as he sat on the floor inches from the toilet he had tried to puke into. I don't know what to do anymore. The one reason I came here is gone and it's too early to leave. I'll just hide in here.

He curled up against the wall in the bathroom and tried to cry, but no tears would come out. He put his face in his hands and dry cried, the alcohol slowly working it's way into his system until he started to lose his train of thought.

He eventually pulled out his phone and messaged the first contact in his phone. Kyle. 'tyhis aprty sucks' Kyle quickly responded to the text. 'Are you drunk?' He ignored Kyle's question. 'tyis is dumb fuckinf asshole  girsl i don't iggnore peiple'

'Did Wendy reject you?' 'ueah and it doiesnt mak any sense ay all j sydbt dj Byrhkpnv i dibt uhgerfsanf'His texting became less and less clear as he started to finally, finally cry.

'Are you okay? Whos house is the party even at?'

'i dint rnember' Who even needs Wendy? I should just be hanging out with my best friend anyways. That's a good idea. Stan slowly tried to pull himself up to his feet, but failed and texted Kyle again. 'om cominf over just give me a secinf'

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