THREE: Tears and confusion.

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Kyle woke up the next morning, Stan's hand still in his hair. He blushed and moved Stan's hand before getting out of his bed. He put his blanket over Stan and walked downstairs to his kitchen, getting a glass of water and painkillers. He's definitely going to have a hangover.

Kyle walked back up the stairs and walked back into his room, placing the water and painkillers on his nightstand before flopping onto his bed in an attempt to wake up Stan. Stan's eyes groggily opened up, the light hitting his eyes painfully. He groaned dramatically and looked over at Kyle.

"Good morning." Kyle turned to his side to look at Stan. "Morning." Stan took a deep breath as he sat up. "Fuck, my head is pounding." He winced. "You drank like crazy last night." Kyle said and sat up next to Stan. He handed Stan the water and painkillers as he played with his hair, like Stan had last night.

"Did I?" Stan took the painkillers and chugged his water. His throat felt super dry. "Yeah. Do you even remember what happened before you got drunk?" Kyle questioned. "I went to the party, I talked to uh.." He frowned.

"I tried to talk to Wendy and.." It all went to shit after that. Kyle put his hand on Stan's shoulder. "Are you gonna be okay?" "Yeah." He lied, nodding his head and trying to will the emotions away. His voice wavered a bit."Yeah, I'll be fine." 

Kyle frowned and pulled Stan into a big hug. "You know you can talk to me about it." Stan sunk into the hug, wrapping his arms around Kyle and choking back tears. I just want her to love me. "I don't know what to do anymore."

"You need to find someone better for you. Any girl would be lucky to have you, Wendy's just stubborn." "But I don't want any girl. I want her." He hugged his friend tighter as he started to cry. Kyle ran his hand through Stan's hair. 

"I'm sure you will find someone just as amazing as she is to you, It will be hard, but I know you can. If she's not interested, you can't change how she feels. You deserve someone so much better than Wendy."

He sighed, calming down as Kyle ran his fingers through his hair. "Okay." Kyle hugged Stan tighter and kept running his fingers through his hair. "I love you, man. Don't let a girl get you so down." "I guess."

Kyle continued running his hands through Stan's hair. "I'm here for you if you ever need to talk. I love you so much, Stan. No matter what happens, I'm gonna be here for you." Kyle put his head on Stan's shoulder. Stan felt his insides flip and he quickly tried to pull away. Oh no. He felt himself throw up all over Kyle and panicked.

Kyle quickly pulled away. "Oh shit-" He quickly stood up and stared at the wall blankly, not knowing what to do. There was puke all over the back of his shirt. He looked grossed out, but also just straight up freaked out. "Is there any puke in my hair??" He basically threw his shirt off, not even caring anymore. 

"Holy shit, dude- I'm so sorry!" He winced at his own volume as he apologized. "Uh- I don't think so?" 

Kyle took a deep breath before getting another shirt out of his closet and putting it on. "You're sure there isn't any puke in my hair????" He questioned.

He stared at Kyle's curls for a moment. His hair is so fluffy."Yeah, I'm pretty sure-" He felt himself gag a bit, leaning towards the trashcan. What's wrong with me? Am I really that hungover? "Jeez, are you good dude?" Kyle sat back down on the edge of his bed. "Eugh-.." His eyes had started to gloss over from how hard he had been vomiting. "Sorry man."

Kyle put his hand on Stan's shoulder. "It's fine dude." He laid down on the bed completely, sprawled out. "I shouldn't have drank that much." Kyle laughed. "You're dumb." 

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