Note and Disclaimers

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Again- I always do this.

So, for people who have followed this story since the start- welcome back! This is "One Change- A KH 'What If'?" but revamped and restored! It will be a series now, and I hope you all enjoy rereading (until we get to kh2) this lovely story that I've never once stopped thinking about :]

For newcomers- welcome! Glad to have you, and I hope you enjoy this!
Since this is always brought up, the way this story was formed was by me and my friend Jason7864 on voice call on Discord a while back (around two years ago when this is eventually posted) and I asked him the simple question of "What do you think would've happened if Ventus had actually created the x-blade for Master Xehanort?" and thus- this series was formed!

Some disclaimers:
• Later on in this series, there is an MLM ship, and no, it cannot be read as platonic in the slightest, so if you for some reason don't like it, you are welcome to leave now and no one will judge you because we won't know.

• There are reasons for certain things, even if those reasons aren't clear at first, but if you have questions (that AREN'T SPOILERS), then I'll be glad to answer them!

• These versions of the characters might seem OOC, and that's mainly because A) I'm not exactly that great at writing characters, but I am trying, and B) because the plot is different this time, and obviously the characters would be changed a bit to match that.

• There are like, technically two OCs in this? Again, mainly due to plot divergence, so if you don't like that either, you can leave and no one will judge you because no one will know.

If you have any questions, comments are always a thing, and if not- may your heart be your guiding key!

Have fun! :)

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