The Annoying Siblings

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"GET DOWN"Yushiro yelled he protect Tamayo and Kaigaku protected Zenitsu the balls stop coming and they saw two demons a female and a male the female giggled catching the ball twirling"have you deciede how we will kill them?"the male asked"Brutall...

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"GET DOWN"Yushiro yelled he protect Tamayo and Kaigaku protected Zenitsu the balls stop coming and they saw two demons a female and a male the female giggled catching the ball twirling"have you deciede how we will kill them?"the male asked"Brutally"the female responded she launched two more balls.Kaigaku eyes widen"turns out you were right yahaba this building just matrialize out of nowhere"the female giggled"seems like they learned to use the blood demon art of hiding object well"Yahaba said"What is this were tracking down a demon slayer is he with demon?"the female laughed."isn't this fun"the female said"i say susumaru your way of doing things is just so immature"yahaba said"Stop your whining let the real fun beginning and looked i found'em".

"A temari throwing a temari caused all this damage"Kaigaku thought Susumaru tossed more termaris one hit Yushiro in the head his head was blown off"DAMNIT Zenitsu get the lady down to the basement"Kaigaku said Zenitsu nodded dashing off to find the woman"One down three to go"Susumaru giggled"She's giving off a totally different scent than any of the other demons much stronger it feels heavy in my lungs"Kaigaku thought.Susumaru smiled"Your the demon slayer that wears Hanafuda earring and a chocker it's you isn't it"Susumaru said"That's enough chit chat time for the real fun to begin"Susumaru giggled.

She launched her temari"I'm sorry gramps i promised i'd stick to thunder breathing but it really isn't working so i have to use water breathing"Kaigaku thought"Water breathing sevenenth form drop ripple curve thrust"Kaigaku thought he stabbed the temari susumaru smirked.The temari jumped off Kaigaku sword Yushiro began to heal Yushiro began rambling Susumaru threw off her haori and took of the top half of her kimono extra arm began to grow"What the hell is she"Kaigaku thought she bounced her temari before throwing them Kaigaku dodge them.Kaigaku cut the temaris in was he was starting to get pissed.

"Demon slayer the arrows will tell you were the temari goes dodge the arrow"Yushiro said"What the hell are you talking about"Kaigaku yelled"You seriously can't see them here im leanding you my eye sight"He threw a paper at Kaigaku forehead when it landed Kaigaku saw the arrows he began dodging Zenitsu showed up."Zenitsu let's go outside take out the one in the tree"Zenitsu nodded he ran outside Kaigaku following behind Zenitsu jumped into the trees"You are the demon slayer with the hanafuda earrings"Susumaru said she launched her balls Zenitsu found Yahaba he kicked him mutliple times causing him to close constarion.

The arrows disappeared"Water breathing third form flowing dance"it cut the temari and Susumaru arms"I BET YOU ASSHOLES ARE CLOSE TO MUZAN YOUR FIRST BLOOD SAMPLE TAMAYO"Kaigaku yelled Susumaru giggled"i wont let you do anythinhg to displease him"Susumaru said Zenitsu conutied to kick yahaba"Stop stiring up so much dirt"Yahaba said.Zenitsu gasped when he was pushed back by nothing and sent flying Susumaru regrew her arms she giggled Zenitsu crashed into Kaigaku"zenitsu"Kaigaku said he caught him landing onto the ground Susumaru launched a temari Kaigaku was quick to dodge it pulling Zenitsu with him.

"Zenitsu are you ok"Kaigaku said Zenitsu nodded"DEMON SLAYER DEAL WITH THE ARROW WE WILL DEAL WITH THE TEMARI WOMAN"Yushiro yelled Kaigaku nodded"Zenitsu don't push your self to much you're still adjusting"Kaigaku said Zenitsu dipped his head back looking at kaigaku he hummed.He then looked at Tamayo and Yushiro he saw a injured woman and crying Kina his eyes slightly widen she had blue eyes like Kaigaku and black hair"M-mom"Zenitsu thought his puplis sharpen and he growled Kaigaku and Zenitsu stood up"Finish her"Kaigaku said they both ran seprate ways Zenitsu face switched now angered"NOW I'M PISSED"Kaigaku thought he saw the thread"Dirty child"Yahaba said the thread snapped and an arrow made Kaigaku slip arrows flung him around.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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