05.05.2023 - 12:54AM

3 1 0

I can't wait for the days to end
I can't wait for things to amend
I can't wait for this life to go by
I can't wait to have some more time

Fucking hell

You see, usually, the absence of feelings consumes my days
But, this feeling right here? I can't make it go away
And it makes me want to die
While I force myself to cry
'Cause tears are not coming by
And I couldn't realize
That I've been living in a lie
And I can't color my insides
I can't feel the skies no more
I can't open this goddamn door
I can't feel the happiness on the floor
Nor in the air
And sometimes I can't care
Because this feels quite unfair
And there is nothing here, nor there
But fears of commitment
Fears of falling in temptation and becoming complacent
With things that are nothing but relucent
And have no true value inside their shells
And, you know, this is nowhere near hell
But, at the same time, it's like a cell
And I can't quite feel my braincells
My heart swells whenever I talk about these spells
I caught when I said I wouldn't fall
But I fell, and, if you couldn't tell
I'm quite far from a magic well
And I haven't been feeling well
See, I want to yell
But there's not much I can do
'Cause other people have their businesses too
And that's why I am telling this to you
So you can see my eyes and see how they're blue
And how they are asking you to shoot
And asking for forgiveness, that's true
But what can I do? I'm caught in the middle
And feeling little
Feeling brittle
While concealing with a rhythm
It's the only way out
You know, closing my mouth
When all I want is to shout
'Cause I gots to be stout
But I'm becoming mad
Revolted and sad
Truly, this is bad
I'll just put it in a tab
And perhaps when I get a bag
I'll cash everything, stat

Poems by ngtmr.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora