Ustedes saben que es..

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-Ustedes saben que es el silencio, ustedes saben que es el respeto, ustedes saben que es sentirse cansados, ustedes saben..pero porque no se ponen en los zapatos del otro, porque no miran como una, dos..tres personas se marean por todos sus gritos, bullicios, porque no entienden como se siente en estar cansado, cansado de ustedes mismos, cansados de tener que ser el mismo día uno y otra vez, porque..ustedes no saben cómo respetar al otro, ustedes no saben que el sentirte horriblemente cansados, horriblemente muertos, horriblemente..¿Callado? No lo entienden.

-Desconocidos que son conocidos a la vez, me tienen tan cansado que quiero gritar.

you know what it is..

-You know what silence is, you know what respect is, you know what it is to feel tired, you know...but why don't you put yourselves in the other's shoes, why don't you watch how one, two...three people get dizzy from all your yelling, screaming, bustling, because you don't understand how it feels to be tired, tired of yourselves, tired of having to be the same day over and over again, don't know how to respect the other, you don't know what it is to feel horribly tired, horribly dead, horribly... Quiet? You don't understand.

-Strangers who are acquaintances at the same time, you have me so tired I want to scream.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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