chapter 4

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so what a man gotta do? what a man gotta prove? to be totally locked up by you. what a man gotta say? what a man gotta pray? to be your last 'goodnight' and first 'good day'  what a man gotta do, Jonas brothers.

 Ashton's p.o.v

I woke up feeling very refreshed. It has been a long time since I slept in a bed let alone such a comfortable one. I guess it came with being on the run. I felt good courtesy of sleeping next to my mates. I peered over the bed to look upon my mates. They were very beautiful. They were cuddled up impossibly close on a very tiny airbed. I felt a teensy pain in my chest. I pouted. I wanted to be in their embrace too. Sandwiched right in the middle. But there was no need to dwell on that. As long as they were still willing to have me,I was contented for now. I woke up and realized I did not have any clothes to change into. Meh. I shrugged. It's not like my mates would lose interest more than they had now. I brushed my teeth. I was going to go exploring to kill time before Kiara came to see me.

I was actually excited to see her. My connection to my mates was minute. Almost nonexistence. But my connection to Kiara however was strong. I could feel her constantly even in my sleep. It was very reassuring. I did not have to be so alone any more. I skipped my way merrily through the pack. People were giving me weird looks. Oh. Right. I was a vampire walking through a werewolf pack. And it was even weirder that their alpha had ordered them not to touch a single hair on me. Walking through the pack was not going to work. I whooshed through the pack. It was huge and very beautiful. I came across the most beautiful waterfall I had ever seen. Well, my home was a piece of shit so everything was super beautiful to me. There was a serene kind of quiet. I hated the quiet but this was calming.

I  sat there just admiring the surroundings that I  did not realize how long it had actually been. I was happy with the most mundane thing. I was brought out of my thoughts by a body colliding into me. I would have been alarmed if it were not for the giggles that came after. "Hey baby," Kieran greeted. I hugged her dearly to me. Her scent was a combination of flowers that put together produced an exotic calming fragrance. "it's weird that I only just saw you last night but I miss you so much." She declared. "I missed you too," I pouted. I don't know why but with her I just wanted to act like a baby. I wanted her attention and I wanted her to pamper me. Well, like a mother or an older sister would. Because mostly I really wanted my mates to spoil me and shower me with lots of love and attention.

"Am sorry am late. I had chores to do around my farm." Kiara apologized. I was shocked. "You have a farm?" I asked. She was a fairy but I didn't peg her as the farming type. I was going to visit her farm tomorrow. "Can I come tomorrow to see your farm and help you out? Vampires can not garden to save their lives because we have no connection to nature whatsoever but it seems fun to try. And I also want to spend more time with you," I asked her hesitantly. She smiled and nodded as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. She gasped. "That reminds me. I have someone I would like you to meet. Let's go back to the pack house." I could feel her excitement to have me superspeed her through the pack. And I gladly complied. We giggled our way through the pack like a couple of teenagers. Young, wild and free. I set her down Infront of the alpha's house where she ran into the arms of her Korean mate. I sighed for the nth time today. I wanted that too. Patience. I reminded myself.

Brent's p.o.v

Sleeping on the floor cuddled up next to Neil was weird. We were surprisingly uncomfortable. Not because of sleeping on the it was because we were so close to our mate yet so far away. We could not sleep for most of the night. It was a mixture of worry and confusion. Also, it was unnatural for mates to sleep separately after finding out they were mates. We somehow managed to sleep in the early hours of the morning. When we woke up, we were tired and frustrated. I smiled because I could finally see my beautiful mate. Well, Neil was handsome but Ashton was like a goddess. So pretty. Dark but also pure. Mysterious yet an open book. Extremely mature but endearingly childish. Okay, enough overthinking. Time to see my beautiful mate. I turned towards the bed and all alarms went off in my head. I was nauseous and panicked. Did he leave? Was he taken? Did the events of the previous day finally hit him and he decided to go? Was he still weary of our mating? Was it revenge? Leave us because we almost left him?

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