chapter 13

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I wanna hide the truth, I wanna shelter you, But with the beast inside There's nowhere we can hide. When you feel my heat, look into my eyes, It's where my demons hide. Don't get too close, it's dark inside; It's where my demons hide....                                  imagine dragons.

Brent's p.o.v

Neil and Ash were driving me crazy. Not in a good way. Ash was obviously hiding something. As mates we hated hiding shit from each other. But ever since that day he went to Kiara's resort, he has been on edge and his aura darker. Every time we asked him about it, he dismissed us by saying it was nothing. The pack could sense the tension even though it was mild. Ash had stopped going to the pup daycare to help. He did not want to scare the pack. he actually spent most of his days training. He was already the best at hand-to-hand combat despite saying he was rusty. Whenever we asked how he got so good he would regress to himself and Deuce would take over. Kiara also said he was always looking around as if he thought someone was following him. The only reason I still let him go to Kiara is because she is hands down the strongest supernatural around.

Neil on the other hand was a mixture of nerves and sad. He was on edge because Ash was on edge. He was sad because Ash refused to share what was going on with him. He still did his alpha duties but he was moping through them. He asked Ash everyday what was wrong despite knowing what his response would be. This broke his heart over and over again. It was like picking at a scab each time it formed and having it bleeding all over again. His thoughts were an open book to me. That was a plus, I guess. Before we marked Ash, he would keep his mental block up at all times. The few times I could sense his emotions was when he was overwhelmed and they were overflowing to me. Now, he is an open book, well mind. He was wondering why Ash still did not trust us enough to tell us what was going on. He thought that marking each other would resolve all the bad blood between us. Apparently not. What pissed us off even more was that Kiara had a clue what his life was like before he came here. She refused to tell us anything saying that Ash would tell us in his own time when he was ready.

It had been a week and we were all exhausted. It's now morning of our eighth day of this and I just happened to wake up before my mates. We still cuddled to sleep. I held my mates tighter because I was afraid they would slip away. If I lost one mate, I would lose both of them. It's hard to be a couple after being a throuple. We would never be complete. I was hoping today would be easier. The tension lesser. I would say gone but the chances are slim. I looked down at both my mates in my arms. Recently our sleeping habits had improved. I would sleep in the middle and my mates would cuddle up to me making sure they were holding each other tightly. Ash started breathing heavily. He was also whimpering and saying no continuously. His eyes were moving furiously under his lids. He was having a nightmare. Neil stirred in his sleep and woke up with a start. He had a death grip on Ash.

Our mate link was flooded with fear. Whatever he was dreaming about must be pretty scary. It had to be if the fear from it was flooding throughout the link. That is what must have woken up Neil. He looked down at Ash worriedly. Wake up baby boy. You are alright. It's just a dream. We got you, Neil soothed. Ash slowly opened his eyes. They were a bright red before they went back to their normal color. He smiled brightly as if he was not just scared shitless. Morning babes, he said and pecked us both on our lips. He then started rubbing the sleep from his eyes. We were both frozen in place looking at him in concern. Why are you guys looking at me like that? He asked frowning. Because pup you are acting like it is the best morning after literally waking up from a nightmare, I tried to explain gently. He frowned in confusion. I was having a nightmare? I don't remember, he shrugged casually. Oh well, must not have been important, he said and got up. He went to the bathroom and came back after taking a bath humming happily. He was weirdly happy.

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