🦝raccon baby🦝

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Tommy, oh boy where do we start? 

As young kid he was abandoned and left to survive in the woods just because he was a hybrid. Now what type of hybrid was he? Simple he was a raccoon hybrid! He loved to steal stuff and he was very attracted to Gold and shiny items. You would think he would die if he was thrown out at a young age? But no he found a tree and made home with it, making a small part in the wall for his shiny items. He spent most of his time trying to steal food or shiny things off town ppl, who ended up figuring out what he was doing. But new people came and people left so it gave opportunities to steal which is how he has a big gold collection. He wasnt dumb either he was talented in stealing which is useful. But he didnt know who knew what and when one day he stumbled to someone who had gold everywhere he tried to pull a gold chain from the pocket and was caught by someone who he wish he didnt steal from. The Prince of the village, so naturally he grabbed the gold chain and took a sprinter for his tree where he would be safe. But soon realised he was followed close behind by the guards and him.

Not knowing english at all he hissed and chittered at them, when that didnt work he started throwing rocks down hitting some of the horses and guards. "Kid, we wont hurt ya' just come down and chat hm?" techno said getting off his horse. Tommy growled and threw another rock hitting techno on the head. Techno who was not effected by it looked up unamused and sighed. "I see you like my gold do you want one of my rings?" techno said obviously bribing him to come down. Tommy being the silly boy went down to get the ring but was trapped and.. Caged? "When did he get a cage?" tommy thought. But he didnt have time for theories he needed to get out. Thrashing around in the cage, tommy hissed, cried, screamed, growled and chittered. This obviously annoying techno he opened the cage lightly and mussled him but also pulling off one of his rings handing it to him to keep him quiet.

Taking the ring tommy curled up quieting down in his cage, admiring the ring closely he was admused he never had seen such clean gold. It was so shiny. Techno looked down at the child, letting a small smile slip his lips. He knew he would be the perfect addition to the family, he had that feeling.

Techno sat down on the floor with the caged boy waiting for the carriage to arrive to pick them up. Tommy would constantly swap out the rings on his fingers admiring them in the light. Techno looked up hearing the patter of the horses feet coming towards them. Techno who had given him a chain of his belt. Stood up and picked up the cage to walk to the carriage. Opening into the main section he saw wilbur sitting there looking amused. He looked up and smiled at techno who in return gave a cold glare. "I heard from guards you found a hybrid!" he said. Techno hummed and put the caged child on the seat. Tommy who didnt understand what was happening thrashed around. Techno held the cage still and placed his hand in the cage letting the raccoon boy grab a new ring off his hand to inspect making him automatically stop and go calm. Wilbur who was confused gave a small glimpse to techno asking for him to explain.

"We found him trying to steal my gold chain. He took a sprinter to his home and he caught him. He seems to be interested in gold or shiny objects. But he is quite vicous when he doesnt have something to do. Hance why the some of the guards that came back with some blood of their head." wilbur nodded and kept staring at the caged mussled boy. He smiled and said "hes a cute one isnt he" (Platonic) techno made a little huff of agreement. And kept letting tommy take his rings. Soon enough tommy curled on himself wrapping his fluffy tail around his body and flattening his ears keeping the rings close to him. Essentially he was cradling the gold.

"Tech, he is so cute! Awww! I want to keep him! Will dad let us! I will spoil him with anything! He is so small! Just like a small child" wilbur said lightly patting the childs head. "I guess i like him" techno grumbled looking out the window to see that they are arriving to the castle. Coming to a stop they picked up the sleeping boys cage gently. Techno carried him to the entrance and moved straight up to philzas office to share the news. After a couple of flights of stairs he knocked on a fancy big door and walked in to see philza cribbling down on some papers. Techno cleared his throat and grabbed his dads attention who turned around on his seat. "Yes tech?- why did you bring a child in a cage for!?" he interrupted himself. "First the child is a hybrid and was a little vicous and 2nd he is the one stealing the stuff." well then throw him in the dungeons and ill decide wether how long he stays for" phil said turning around.

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